Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Group of football By: Roger, Carlos, Pol,Nil R. I Jordi V.
Question 1
On the head On the trunk On the tail Where are the wings? A B C
On the head On the tail On the trunk Where are the wings? ABC ABC
Question 2
A baby amphibian An adult reptile A baby fish What are the fry? A B C
A baby amphibian An adult reptile A baby fish What are the fry? ABC ABC
Question 3
Mammals Birds Reptiles Which group include dinosaures? A B C
Mammals Birds Reptiles Which group include dinosaures? ABC ABC
Question 4
84 teeth 82 teeth 80 teeth How many teeth has a shark got? A B C
84 teeth 82 teeth 80 teeth How many teeth has a shark got? ABC ABC
Question 5
With antenae With the mouth With movement How do butterflies communicate? A B C
With movement With the mouth With antenae How do butterflies communicate? ABC ABC
Question 6
The moth The bird Who is the insect that best camouflates ? A B C C the cleopatra
The cleopatra The bird The moth Who is the insect that best camouflates ? ABC ABC
Question 7
Florida California Colorado What is the state of the U.S.A. with a lot of crocodiles and alligators? A B C
Colorado California Florida What is the state of the U.S.A. with a lot of crocodiles and alligators? ABC ABC
Question 8
Açores Galapagos What is the island of iguanas? A B C BPasqua
Açores Pasqua Galapagos What is the island of iguanes? ABCABC
Question 9
How many eggs do fish lay in a year? A B C
How many eggs do fish lay in a year? ABCABC
Question 10
reptile amphibian bird Which is the animal group of dragonflies? A B C
reptile bird amphibian Which is the animal group of dragonflies? ABC ABC
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