NSDS Target Target DRAFT AGENDA TIMEDESCRIPTIONPRESENTER 08h30 – 09h00Arrivals and RegistrationAll 09h h05Opening and WelcomingBenedict Motau 09h05 – 09h15OverviewCharlton Philiso 09h15 – 09h30Terms of ReferenceCharlton Philiso 09h30 – 10h00Annual Performance Plan Discretionary grants application process Jabu Sibeko 10h00-10h30PIVOTAL Grants 2014/15 ATR / WSP /PTP submission Process Sekgana Makhoba 10h30– 11h00QCTO updates Qualifications review Charlton Philiso 11h00– 11h50Open discussionAll 11h50-12h00Closing remarks and way forwardCharlton Philiso
OVERVIEW SD Forums ― Engage profoundly with an important part of the sector namely; employers and training providers ― Insufficient data on the structure and the skills requirement of the sector ― In order to design a sound strategy for the engagement of skills development of the sector, a great deal of strategic research has to be conducted in order to put the skills development strategy on sound footing ― Gathering and dissemination of comprehensive information on training providers, training provided, and the training needs will constitute a critical component of the strategy ― Qualifications and learnership review ― Capacity Building
TERMS OF REFERENCE Purpose These Terms of Reference are intended to guide participation by the Forum. The MICT SETA management has ratified these Terms of Reference and any deviation from these terms of reference will need approval from the Chief Executive Officer.
TERMS OF REFERENCE Specific Terms of Reference −Consult and share skills development information with MICT stakeholders, −Inform the MICT SETA Sector Skills Plan document in relation to the scarce and critical skills in the sector −Encourage cooperation between levy-payers, non-levy payers and training providers in addressing the skills gaps within the MICT sector
TERMS OF REFERENCE Specific Terms of Reference −Guide Stakeholders in setting up appropriate systems and processes so as to use and adapt their specific needs to the broader MICT SETA requirements −Further enhance and determine skills development needs and priorities within the MICT sector, −Maximize participation and increase contribution to the MICT SETA −Support employers in providing workplace experience to contribute to creation of employment opportunities −Advise on sectoral employment growth trends and pertinent development requirements in general.
TERMS OF REFERENCE Participation −MICT SETA levy payers −MICT SETA non-levy payers −NGOs and CBOs −Unions −Training Providers (Public and Private) −Universities −Government departments operating in the MICT Space
TERMS OF REFERENCE Meetings −Skills Development Forums shall convene at least twice a year, however, special Skills Development Forums will be convened as and when the need arises −Skills Development Forums will be administered by the MICT SETA −The MICT SETA will chair the Forums −The venues for the Forums will be determined by the MICT SETA prior to each meeting −All travelling and accommodation will be at the expense of the Skills Development Forum members −A record of all discussions shall be kept and circulated to members
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN (APP) Learning ProgrammesEmployed LearnersUnemployed Learners PIVOTAL Programmes (80%) Learnerships Skills Programmes FET graduate work experience N/A1000 FET learner work experience N/A60 FET Bursaries N/A150 University Bursaries N/A206 Non-PIVOTAL Programmes (20%) Internships 0680 Totals
DISCRETIONARY GRANTS APPLICATION PROCESS Submission of Letter of Intent (LoI: PIVOTAL/Non PIVOTAL) Desktop verification of Levy Contribution by SSP Desktop confirmation of accreditation of the training provider by ETQA Desktop approval of vetting process by Snr Manager - LPD
DISCRETIONARY GRANTS APPLICATION PROCESS Site Vetting of Employer by LPD Advisor DG Committee recommend to CEO for approval Approval/Disapproval of recommendation by CEO Notification of application outcome. Budget allocation, drafting and signing of Service Level Agreement (SLA)
NSDS Target Target CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES FOR PIVOTAL PROGRAMMES ― Legislative Framework ― PIVOTAL grant purpose ― PIVOTAL programmes definition ― Important considerations ― Exclusions ― Applying for PIVOTAL grants ― PIVOTAL programmes impact
SECTOR SKILLS PLAN PROJECT PLAN ATRs and WSPs submissionsApril to June Evaluate and approve WSPs and ATRsJune-August Conduct ResearchMay-July Production of the SSPJuly-August OGS finalisation and user testingJuly OGS pilot phaseAugust-September SDF workshops on new OGSSeptember-October Opening of the OGSFebruary-April Production and distribution of Career GuideJanuary-March Mandatory Grants Approvals and paymentsQuarterly
NSDS Target Target QCTO UPDATE AND QUALIFICATIONS REVIEW ― Current qualifications Accreditation Assessments and moderation Certification Capacity building workshops ― Qualifications review ― New qualifications ― Development Quality Partners (DQPs) ― Assessment Quality Partner (AQP) ― Application form Application
THANK YOU Head Office: Durban: East London: Cape Town: