MS project A beloved and hated tool for project management. Maybe unjust that it’s hated but it’s due to the automation of a lot of things. It makes it’s hard to understand what is happening. There is also a lot of functions that normally first are found in much more expensive tools. A good advice: Remember to save your project often when you are working with it. Make new versions.
Introduction task in MS-project Create the solution to 12 in MS project and make project show you the critical path. Use the guide Gantchart under formats. Use the build in guidance. Under the tag show and then enable project guides. Note: ”;” is used to separate elements when you make entries of e.g. dependencies or resources.
Ganttkort Dependencies Critical path
Several levels and milestones You should be able to use a MS-project plan on many levels both for top management and the detailed project work. You can shift tasks between levels by using or shift+alt+arrow. A milestone is created by creating a task. Then you double click the task. There after choose the tab “advanced” tick off “mark the task as a milestone. Then enter the due date. The last milestone in a project or in a phase will as predecessors typically have all the tasks that not already has a predecessor. Typical milestones are shift between phases or the finishing of important deliveries. Please note that there are many other ways to reach the same results in MS project and what you are being told now is not necessarily the easiest way to do it.
Resources and the leveling of resources It’s not necessarily all persons that can solve all task. Also some programmers work must faster than others. Sometimes there is crowded. It’s not always that 8 men digging instead of 4 men means the digging is twice as fast. Sometimes some people becomes overloaded when we create a plan, meaning that they have more hours pr. day than they ought to. Then the project manager must perform leveling of resources. By the way – how many hours can you expect project employees to deliver daily and what rate will you use laying out your plans?
Standard working hours and the calendar Project calendar Use function / change working hours. Normal working hours. Use the guide ”Define general working hours under tasks.
Opgave Lav en projektplan I 2 niveauer for projektet Kajs biler. Forslag til arbejdsproces Step 1: WBS Step 2: Definer dem på laveste niveau i MS Step 3: Giv dem længde Step 4: Giv dem afhængigheder Step 5: Modeler det på plads, så det ser rimeligt ud.
Resources in MS-project Assign resources to the project in task 12. Eg. Jens Udvikler (JU). Assign Jens to C, D, H Hans Udvikler (HU). Assign Hans to F, G and C Rie Analytiker (RA). Assign Rie to task A, B, H. Dorte Tester (DT). Assign Dorte to H, G, E. NB. If needed adjust task duration to the original, so the duration is kept the same even after you have assign resources. (When you assign resources MS-project automatically adjust task duration – but not the first time you assign resources). Look at “show / use of resources”. You will find some that are red -> problems! A: RA B: RA C: JU;HU D: JU E: DT F: HU G: DT H: DT; RA Open the columns: Work and Resource ID Before you start.