Lecture(8) Instructor : Dr. Abed Al-Majed Nassar
Basic Data for planning Location Type of project
Data Classification Mapped data(topograp hy, hydrological, geology data) Tabular data (lists of tables) Image data (Aerial photographs and satellite images ) Scanned image
Data source of GIS
Data Input
Basic contexts for planning public works and infrastructure Hard copyImages, or picturesDigital Format
GIS (Geographic Information system) A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a collection of computerized maps and databases that are linked together for the purpose of storing, retrieving, managing and analyzing information.
Planning a GIS project Identify your objectives Create a project databaseAnalyze the dataPresent the results
Report Data presentation
GPS (Global Positioning System)
People using GIS
GIS applications 1 Groundwater hydrology 2 Transportation: Evaluate traffic flow 3 Environmental :what are the effect of global warming 4 Agriculture: how can I improve food production by making crop management decisions to maximize yields and minimize fertilizer input.
Homework To select the best site for solid waste land fill by GIS, what is the criteria to be followed?