3 Initiative Organization
A charge of discovering service breakthroughs is insufficient – this group needs a novel space in which we can all work to foster needed change The space where we can all work is in fostering community capacity to support health and well- being as people and families define it. Design Team: Where We Landed On June 30 th 4
5 Design Team Revised Charge Design Team Role, Process and Timeline April-June 2015 Core Group members invite Design Team participants Design Team members convene to discuss collective opportunity Setting Person-Centered Context Setting System Context July- November 2015 Dialogue sessions Community Voice Narratives Issues Briefs on Systems and Services Synthesis of Community Owned/Driven Initiatives Identify a novel space in which we can all work to foster needed change: The space where we can all work is in fostering community capacity to support health and well-being as people and families define it. Scope one or two focus areas and community(ies) and learn about what community assets already support well-being and health as people and families define it. Identify what we can each do to foster and enhance what is working. Outline a shared plan to collectively build upon and strengthen what is already working.
6 Our Question Set How do we start? Where do we start? With whom do we start? On what do we start?
design thinking A Vehicle for Pursuing The Revised Charge
foundational mindsets Promote divergence Re-orient around abundance Focus on needs Embrace ambiguity Roberts, Fisher, Trowbridge, Bent. Working white paper, A Design Thinking Framework for Healthcare Management and Innovation. Submission 6/2015
RAPID PROTOTYPINGDEVELOPING EMPATHYRADICAL COLLABORATION 312 The most critical design thinking method, empathy, focuses on organizing diverse teams around how, where, when and with whom health and healthcare challenges are occurring; on a continuum that cuts across sectors. Developing a deep understanding of explicit and latent ‘user’ needs and value sets is critical to uncovering and subsequently solving persistent and complex challenges. Moving from a ‘thinking-to-do’ approach to a ‘doing-to-think’ approach will allow for the testing of multiple novel assumptions and ideas in rapid, safe and cheap ways. Complex problems, especially those that cut across sectors, can be paralyzing. As an alternative, rapid prototyping supports simply starting somewhere (anywhere) and learning something new and unexpected about the problem being addressed. Collaboration is nothing new. Yet, it too often involves the same people addressing the same problems utilizing the same approaches. Radical collaboration suggests engaging a diverse set of stakeholders (organized around the needs and values of users) to promote divergent thinking and new opportunities. Roberts, Fisher, Trowbridge, Bent. Working white paper, A Design Thinking Framework for Healthcare Management and Innovation. Submission 6/2015
Finding A Starting Point 11 What issue/topic could we focus on to help scope our work (e.g. trauma, aging in place, connection b/n health and community, work places)? – Where and on what topics do we already have connections and entry points and relationships? – In the topic area, where are there communities that would be likely to guide and engage with us?
Priority Focus Areas and Communities 12
RAPID PROTOTYPINGDEVELOPING EMPATHYRADICAL COLLABORATION 312 The most critical design thinking method, empathy, focuses on organizing diverse teams around how, where, when and with whom health and healthcare challenges are occurring; on a continuum that cuts across sectors. Developing a deep understanding of explicit and latent ‘user’ needs and value sets is critical to uncovering and subsequently solving persistent and complex challenges. Moving from a ‘thinking-to-do’ approach to a ‘doing-to-think’ approach will allow for the testing of multiple novel assumptions and ideas in rapid, safe and cheap ways. Complex problems, especially those that cut across sectors, can be paralyzing. As an alternative, rapid prototyping supports simply starting somewhere (anywhere) and learning something new and unexpected about the problem being addressed. Collaboration is nothing new. Yet, it too often involves the same people addressing the same problems utilizing the same approaches. Radical collaboration suggests engaging a diverse set of stakeholders (organized around the needs and values of users) to promote divergent thinking and new opportunities. Roberts, Fisher, Trowbridge, Bent. Working white paper, A Design Thinking Framework for Healthcare Management and Innovation. Submission 6/2015
DEVELOPING EMPATHY Self-documentation Extreme user stories Individual & contextual observations Analogous scenarios Roberts, Fisher, Trowbridge, Bent. Working white paper, A Design Thinking Framework for Healthcare Management and Innovation. Submission 6/2015
North SouthEmotional Mental Center Youth Elder
What are our immediate next steps and assignments before next meeting? Next Steps 16
Refine Initiati ves Recommend/ Simulate One or More Initiatives that Would Foster Vision Desig n Teams Core Group Set Vision + Mission + Design Team Scope + Charge Jan-May 2015June-Aug 2015 Implemen t or Not Create Shared Goals & Explore Possible Approaches Assess Current Landscape Sept-Dec 2015 People and Communit y System and Services Shared Learning Systems Integration Experiments Economic Analysis Scanning