Agenda Methodology Major Findings –Perceptions of Congestion –Ease of Travel –Transportation Planning Issues –Interest in Using Public Transportation –Most Important Regional Transportation Investments –Freight Issues –How funding for transportation should change Summary and Questions
Methodology Survey was conducted during the spring of 2008 The resident survey was administered to a random sample of 1,628 residents. –results have a precision of at least +/-2.5% at the 95% level of confidence. The employer survey was administered to a random sample of 305 employers –results have a precision of at least +/-5% at the 95% level of confidence. The transit survey was administered to a random sample of 334 transit users –results have a precision of at least +/-5% at the 95% level of confidence. Administered in English and Spanish Good representation from all demographic groups Home address of respondents was geocoded
Perceptions of Traffic Congestion and Other Issues
Ease of Travel in the San Antonio Area
Note: “Other” areas did not contain enough responses to show statistically significant results Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Other LEGEND Satisfaction with the Ease of Travel from Home to Work
Note: “Other” areas did not contain enough responses to show statistically significant results Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Other LEGEND Satisfaction with the Ease of East-West Travel
Note: “Other” areas did not contain enough responses to show statistically significant results Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Other LEGEND Satisfaction with the Ease of Travel by Walking
Transportation Planning Issues
Interest in Using Public Transportation
Impact of Higher Gas Prices
Regional Transportation Investment Priorities
Significant Changes in the Priority Residents Place on Various Regional Transportation Investments Since 1998 More Important Light Rail Building Park and Ride Lots Building/Widening Sidewalks Less Important Building a network of bicycle lanes
Freight Issues
How the Level of Funding for Transportation Should Change
Summary Residents were MOST satisfied with: (1) the ease of travel from Bexar County to other communities outside Bexar County, (2) the ease of travel between their home & downtown, and (3) the ease of travel between their home and work Residents were LEAST satisfied with: (1) the ease of travel by bicycle, (2) the ease of travel by walking, and (3) the ease of east/west travel in the region Transportation Planning Priorities: –relieving traffic congestion was the most important transportation planning issue to all three groups Interest in Using Public Transportation: –61% were interested in using commuter or light rail –57% were interested in using Bus Rapid Transit Investment Priorities: –Widening freeways was the most important transportation investment priority for residents and employers –Improving public transportation was the most important investment priority to transit users –Developing light rail was one of the most important transportation investments for all three groups
Questions ??? THANK YOU