Networks of Best Practice for Sustainable Energy Development in the Asia-Pacific Region
Energy Smart Communities Smart Buildings Smart Transport Smart Jobs Smart Grid
Transit-oriented development Urban planning to reduce energy needs Congestion management to reduce travel times Bus rapid transit Energy-efficient freight transport Better logistics Shift to ships and rail Alternative fuels Electric Vehicles Biofuels
Lower energy buildings Design of new buildings Retrofit of existing buildings Building materials testing and ratings centers Insulation Windows Cool roof demonstration projects
Smart grid best practices Road map for smart grid technology development Common standards for smart grid interoperability Smart grid test beds Accumulation of performance data
School curricula on energy efficiency Training curricula for energy audit and retrofit
We need an APEC economy to lead each of the ESCI components outlined in this presentation. Help to compile key best practice examples Establish a template to record the examples We need as many APEC economies as possible to participate in each of the ESCI components. Provide case studies and demonstration projects Provide test beds and rating centers