Tama Nunnelley | Lisa Keys-Mathews | Alabama Geographic Alliance alabamageography.org STORY MAPS : AN ENGAGING TECHNOLOGY TOOL FOR STUDENT PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING
OBJECTIVES Introduce participants to opportunities for using Esri Story Maps as a learning tool Engage participants in the process of using a Story Map from the Story Map website Facilitate a discussion by participants as they brainstorm topics and Story Maps that they might use in their classroom Help participants increase their comfort-level with a geography technology tool and spatial analysis process to infuse geography into their history, economics, sociology, or any social studies class
C3 INQUIRY ARC AND GEOGRAPHIC SKILLS Asking a geographic questions Acquiring geographic data Organizing geographic data Analysis the geographic data Answering the geographic questions Geographic Skills Index: Connecticut Social Studies Framework:
The power of Geography and maps to tell a story A combination of maps with narrative text and multimedia content that allows the creator to tell a story and allows the reader to understand the content Story Map Website: WHAT IS A STORY MAP?
Story Maps Gallery (Scroll down for the clickable link for the gallery) Searching for Story Maps (search box on the left side of the screen) Search for “history maya” (no quotes) Items of interest: Multiple pictures of archeological sites – click on the map numbers or on the picture bar at the bottom; music (upper left); Search for “abe lincoln” (no quotes) Note the use of historic maps tied to historic photos organized as a timeline SEARCHING STORY MAPS (
Search for “ Washington DC ” How does this Story Map present information? How would this be useful in a class? Search for “ Human Activities ” How does this Story Map present information? How would this be useful in a class? Search on your own (move into groups as needed) Each group should report back one search term(s) and your findings STORY MAP EXAMPLES
How can Story Maps be used in a classroom? Elementary Middle High Pair Off and Brainstorm Applications Report back to the group and discuss BRAINSTORM IDEAS FOR THE USE OF STORY MAPS
Getting Started with Story Maps (directions for creating a Story Map) story-maps/ story-maps/ Story Telling with Esri Story Maps i_story_maps_kerski_workshop.pdf i_story_maps_kerski_workshop.pdf Esri EdCommunity OTHER RESOURCES Esri EdCommunity Resource Collections Collections/ Collections/ Creative Curriculum Integration & GIS in Education Story Maps in the Classroom (research article supporting the use of Story Maps in the Classroom) news/arcuser/0313/storymaps.pdf news/arcuser/0313/storymaps.pdf Esri StoryTelling with Maps Contest maps/contest-winners maps/contest-winners