Risk and Returns (Ch 12, 13) Returns Average Returns, Risk Premiums, Return Variability Capital Market Efficiency Risk and Return for Individual Stock Risk and Return for a Portfolio Security Market Line Risk and Return (ch 12 &13)
1. Return in General -- Percentage Returns
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) Percentage Returns (Figure 12.2) (concluded) Dividends paid atChange in market end of periodvalue over period Percentage return = Beginning market value The first component is percentage of dividend income while the second component is capital gain +
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) A $1 Investment in Different Types of Portfolios: (Fig. 12.4) Quickly go through figures for different types of companies (p360—p362)
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13)
Historical Dividend Yield on Common Stocks 10%
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) 2. Average Return, Risk Premium, and Return Variability Average Returns– average of historical returns see Table 12.1, and 12.2 (P365) Risk Premium – the excess return required from an investment in a risky asset over that required from a risk-free investment See Table 12.3 (next slide) Variance and Standard Deviation of Returns (p ) When using historical data, variance is equal to: 1 _[(R 1 - R) [(R T - R) 2 ] T - 1
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) Average Annual Returns and Risk Premiums: (Table 12.3) Investment Average Return Risk Premium Large-company stocks13.2% 9.4% Small-company stocks Long-term corporate bonds Long-term government bonds U.S. Treasury bills
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) Using Capital Market History (continued) Risk premiums: First, we calculate risk premiums. The risk premium is the difference between a risky investment’s return and that of a riskless asset. Based on historical data: InvestmentAverageStandardRisk returndeviationpremium Common stocks 13.2%20.3%____% Small stocks 17.4%33.8%____% LT Corporates6.1%8.6%____% Long-term5.7%9.2%____% Treasury bonds Treasury bills3.8%3.2%____%
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) Frequency Distribution of Returns on Common Stocks,
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) We may Model this through Normal Distribution
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) 3. Market Efficiency Efficient Capital Market A market in which security prices reflect available information Behavior in an efficient market See the next slide – is it possible? Dart versus Expert Forms of Market Efficiency Weak form – past information Semistrong form– public information Strong form – all information
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) Reaction of Stock Price to New Information in Efficient and Inefficient Markets Efficient market reaction: The price instantaneously adjusts to and fully reflects new information; there is no tendency for subsequent increases and decreases. Delayed reaction: The price partially adjusts to the new information; 8 days elapse before the price completely reflects the new information Overreaction: The price overadjusts to the new information; it “overshoots” the new price and subsequently corrects. Price ($) Days relative to announcement day –8–6 –4– Overreaction and correction Delayed reaction Efficient market reaction
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) 4. Expected Return and Variance: Individual Stock The quantification of risk and return is a crucial aspect of modern finance. It is not possible to make “good” (i.e., value- maximizing) financial decisions unless one understands the relationship between risk and return. Rational investors like returns and dislike risk. Consider the following proxies for return and risk: Expected return - weighted average of the distribution of possible returns in the future. Variance of returns - a measure of the dispersion of the distribution of possible returns in the future.
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) Example 1: Calculating the Expected Return and Variance – individual stock p i R i Probability Return in State of Economyof state i state i +1% change in GNP.25-5% +2% change in GNP.5015% +3% change in GNP.2535%
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) Example 1 – expected Returns i(p i R i ) i = % i = 27.50% i = 38.75% Expected return = ( ) = 15%
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) Example 1 -- Variance i (R i - R) 2 p i (R i - R) 2 i= i=200 i= Var(R) =.02 What is the standard deviation? The standard deviation = (.02) 1/2 =.1414.
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) 5. Expected Returns and Variances -- Portfolio State of theProbabilityReturn onReturn on economyof stateasset Aasset B Boom0.4030%-5% Bust %25% 1.00 A.Expected returns E(R A ) = 0.40 (.30) (-.10) =.06 = 6% E(R B ) = 0.40 (-.05) (.25) =.13 = 13% Example 2
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) Example 2 B.Variances Var(R A ) = 0.40 ( ) ( ) 2 =.0384 Var(R B ) = 0.40 ( ) ( ) 2 =.0216 C.Standard deviations SD(R A ) =(.0384) 1/2 =.196 = 19.6% SD(R B ) =(.0216) 1/2 =.147 = 14.7%
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) Example 2 Portfolio weights: put 50% in Asset A and 50% in Asset B: State of the ProbabilityReturnReturnReturn on economyof stateon Aon Bportfolio Boom0.4030%-5%12.5% Bust %25%7.5% 1.00
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) Example 2 A.E(R P ) = 0.40 (.125) (.075) =.095 = 9.5% B.Var(R P ) = 0.40 ( ) ( ) 2 =.0006 C.SD(R P ) = (.0006) 1/2 =.0245 = 2.45% Note:E(R P ) =.50 E(R A ) +.50 E(R B ) = 9.5% BUT:Var (R P ) .50 Var(R A ) +.50 Var(R B )
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) Example 2: with different weights New portfolio weights: put 3/7 in A and 4/7 in B: State of the ProbabilityReturnReturnReturn on economyof stateon Aon Bportfolio Boom0.4030%-5%10% Bust %25%10% 1.00 A.E(R P ) = 10% B.SD(R P ) = 0%
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) 6. Security Market Line Key issues: What are the components of the total return? What are the different types of risk? Expected and Unexpected Returns Total return = Expected return + Unexpected return R = E(R) + U Announcements and News Announcement = Expected part + Surprise
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) Portfolio Diversification (Figure 13.1)
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) Beta Coefficients for Selected Companies (Table 13.8) Beta Company Coefficient American Electric Power.65 Exxon.80 IBM.95 Wal-Mart 1.15 General Motors 1.05 Harley-Davidson 1.20 Papa Johns 1.45 America Online 1.65 Source: From Value Line Investment Survey, May 8, 1998.
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) Example: Portfolio Beta Calculations AmountPortfolio StockInvestedWeightsBeta (1)(2)(3)(4)(3) (4) Haskell Mfg. $ 6,00050% Cleaver, Inc.4,00033% Rutherford Co.2,00017% Portfolio$12,000100%1.034 Simple!!
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) Return, Risk, and Equilibrium Key issues: What is the relationship between risk and return? What does security market equilibrium look like? The fundamental conclusion is that the ratio of the risk premium to beta is the same for every asset. In other words, the reward-to-risk ratio is constant and equal to E(R i ) - R f Reward/risk ratio = i
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) Return, Risk, and Equilibrium (concluded) Example: Asset A has an expected return of 12% and a beta of Asset B has an expected return of 8% and a beta of Are these assets valued correctly relative to each other if the risk- free rate is 5%? a.For A, ( )/1.40 = ________ b.For B, ( )/0.80 = ________ What would the risk-free rate have to be for these assets to be correctly valued? (.12 - R f )/1.40 = (.08 - R f )/0.80 R f = ________
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) The Capital Asset Pricing Model The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) - an equilibrium model of the relationship between risk and return. What determines an asset’s expected return? The risk-free rate - the pure time value of money The market risk premium - the reward for bearing systematic risk The beta coefficient - a measure of the amount of systematic risk present in a particular asset The CAPM: E(R i ) = R f + [E(R M ) - R f ] i
Risk and Return (ch 12 & 13) The Security Market Line (SML) (Figure 13.4)