Super User
Foursquare - Superuser status 1 The service provides three levels of "Superuser status" (which is not to be confused with the "Super User" badge). Superuser status is conferred on users who have been selected by foursquare staff for their helpful contributions to the community.
Unisys OS 2200 operating system - 1 OS 2200 provides a fine-grained security mechanism based on the principal of least privilege. This principal demands that only the minimum privilege be granted necessary to perform the task required. Thus, OS 2200 has no Super User or Administrator concept. Rather it uses a large set of specific privileges which may be granted separately. Each privilege is associated with a specific authority.
Stack Overflow - Super User 1 Stack Exchange Network#Super User|Super User, a sister site dedicated to questions from all computer power users, rather than just programmers or system administrators, entered a semi-private beta in July 2009 and was launched publicly on 18 August
Security event manager 1 The key feature of a Security Event Management tool is the ability to analyse the collected logs to highlight events or behaviors of interest, for example an Administrator or Super User logon,Security Event Management Definition outside of normal business hours
Foursquare (service) - Superuser status 1 The service provides three levels of Superuser status (which is not to be confused with the Super User badge). Superuser status is conferred on users who have been selected by foursquare staff for their helpful contributions to the community.
Information security audit - Segregation of duties 1 For other systems or for multiple system formats you should monitor which users may have super user access to the system giving them unlimited access to all aspects of the system
Power users - SAP Oracle 1 Doing this accomplishes three objectives:[ User.pdf Super User Whitepaper], The Super User Model in SAP[ isode2.html The SAP Super User - Video Summary], The Super User Model in SAP - Video by Insite Objects
Power users - SAP Oracle 1 Extensive research has been done with the Super User Model in SAP, specifically in regard to the role they take in training and supporting end users. Currently, more than 70% of SAP companies utilize a form of the Super User Model.
Du (Unix) - Specification 1 Also the minfree setting that allocates datablocks for the filesystem and the super user processes creates a discrepancy between total blocks and the sum of used and available blocks
Su (Unix) 1 The 'su' command, also referred to as substitute user, super user, or switch user, allows a computer operator to change the current user account associated with the running virtual console.
Passwd - Shadow file 1 /etc/shadow is used to increase the security level of passwords by restricting all but highly privileged users' access to hashed password data. Typically, that data is kept in files owned by and accessible only by the superuser|super user.
Stack Exchange Network - History 1 In 2008, Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky created Stack Overflow, a question-and- answer Web site for computer programming questions, which they described as an alternative to the programmer forum Experts- Exchange. In 2009, they started additional sites based on the Stack Overflow model: Server Fault for questions related to system administration and Super User for questions from computer power users.
Foursquare Day - Super Users 1 The service provides three levels of Super User. Superuser status is conferred on users who have been selected by foursquare staff for their helpful contributions to the community.
Jeff Atwood - Career 1 In 2008, together with Joel Spolsky, Atwood founded Stack Overflow, a programming question-and-answer website. The site quickly became very popular, and was followed by Server Fault for system administrators, and Super User for general computer-related questions, eventually becoming the Stack Exchange network which includes many QA websites about topics decided on by the community.
Digital Compact Cassette - Data track 1 On later generations of recorders, it was possible to make a third tape type, called super user tapes, by entering title information for each track
Z1 Android Watch-Phone 1 The MTK MT6516 used in this device has its main Core Speed clocked at 416MHz which may be increased within a reasonable limit by applications designed for this purpose. The device is sold with Super User Privileges (rooted), therefore this feature is available as default. The MT6516 contains dedicated circuitry to speed up 3D Graphics (3.7M Triangles/Sec).
For More Information, Visit: m/the-super-user-toolkit.html m/the-super-user-toolkit.html The Art of Service