Using MUNIS Employee Self Service (ESS) How do I access Employee Self Service? What is my Login and Password? What will I find in Employee Self Service? Who do I call for assistance?
How do I access Employee Self Service? Go to or MISD website under the Tab For Staff scroll to Employee Self Service click and you will see: Click login
What is my Login and Password? Important: Know your MUNIS ESS Login. (This is NOT your network login.) User Name: Employee Number (Look on paycheck stub if you need to find your employee number) NOTE: If you use AESOP your Employee Number is without the zeros added. Password: The first time you log in it will be the last 4 digits of your SSN. You will be forced to change it upon logging in. Please change it to something you will remember. Sample: Jason Smith, Employee #159, with SSN will have User Name: 159 (Note that you leave out leading zeros.) Password: 1234 Once you have logged in click on Employee Self Service button on the left side of the screen THEN you can use the buttons to access your personal information.
What will I find in Employee Self Service? Certifications Pay/Tax Information Personal Information Substitute Teaching (What was loaded from Aesop)
Upon a successful login, you will see the following.
Personal Information: You can change your address and phone number on Employee Self Service or you need to complete a status change form and send to the Personnel Office.
Emergency Contact Information: Please enter Emergency Contact information. In the Comments field, please put the type of phone (e.g. Home Phone, Work Phone, Cell Phone).
Employee Profile:
Pay/Tax Information: Note: Paycheck information only goes back 5 years.
YTD Information:
W-2 Information: NOTE: W-2 information begins with the year 2006 prior years are unavailable.
W-4 Information: Who do I contact for assistance? Payroll Dept