Managing The Game: Fast Pitch. Presented By: St. Louis UIC Staff:


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Presentation transcript:

Managing The Game: Fast Pitch

Presented By: St. Louis UIC Staff:

We will introduce a series of plays. You apply your best game management skills to the situation described. We’ll reveal some keys that may help you be more successful in resolving the problem.

First Situation In JO Girls Fast Pitch game, one particular adult standing behind the bleachers is making derogatory comments to you and your partner.  As the Base Umpire, how do you handle this situation?  As the Plate Umpire, how do you handle this situation?

Helpful Tips…  DO NOT confront the fan directly.  Your head must always be focused between the white lines. You need to umpire the game.  Use coaches or tournament staff to help with the situation. (See if they can help somehow)  If situation is at boiling point, call “Time” and get someone there to deal with the fan. Don’t resume game until the matter is under control. Stay under control to be in control… (Consider: Distance from Individual/Refrain from pointing or gesturing – if they are bringing that much attention to themselves, others will know why the game has been halted)  Be mindful of the YOUTH that are looking on. Why?

Second Situation In a Fast Pitch Tournament during the Championship Game, there are 3 Umpires and the following occurs: Runner on 2B only, ground ball up the middle and the second baseman makes a play on the ball. The shortstop, while going after the ball, collides with the runner, who makes it easily to 3 rd base. Everyone is safe. Both coaches come out of the dugout complaining about the play. 1.You are the 1B umpire, how would you handle this situation? 2.What should the 3B umpire do? 3.How can the plate umpire help?

Helpful Suggestions Proximity: Meet the nearest coach half way!  Listen, don’t react, give them time to talk, (stay quiet) and work to understand what their question is.  Be aware of your body language  Use subtle movements to create space and “peace” between you and the coach. Turn them so the both of you are facing the field.  When the opportunity presents itself, explain what you saw.  If you “Ruled” on the play, explain why you ruled that way. If NO ONE Ruled on the play, consider taking the coaches information to the crew and discussing the play.

Helpful Suggestions For your partners role: Whomever is the “Floating” Umpire: Ensure the conversation stays 1 on 1! Clear players away to create a one on one discussion among the umpire/coach. Be aware IF or When your partner loses their composure. Always step in to prevent physical contact, or if it occurs, help diffuse the situation.

Third Situation In a J.O. fast pitch game the batter turns their hips as to swing at the ball, but you are uncertain if the batter rolled their wrist, and you don’t believe the bat was out in front of the body. As the plate umpire, how would you handle this situation?

Helpful Tips… Did the ball go through the strike zone? –If so… then call it a strike! –If it did not… then what? –Benefit of the doubt goes to who? –So call… Ball What if you are asked to check with your partner? –Do you HAVE TO GO? –SHOULD YOU GO? Why or Why NOT?

Some other thoughts When the play happened… what were you thinking? Uncertain? Did not believe? These are doubts… therefore you should… GO FOR HELP!

Fourth Situation In a J.O. fast pitch game the catcher throws down to first base to pick off the runner diving back into the base. The play is right in front of you and you get an unobstructed view of the whole thing… –The runners hand got to the bag first –The first basemen’s tag was applied afterwards and it knocked the runners arm off the base. As the base umpire, how would you handle this situation?

What if… Did you think about obstruction? (Just checking ;-) The coach yells from the dugout and tells you to check with your partner? –Do you HAVE TO GO? –SHOULD YOU GO? Why or Why NOT? The coach come out of the dugout and comes up to you and ask if you will check with your partner?

Some thoughts… When the play happened… what were you thinking? You had an unobstructed view! You were certain, AND you had all the info! Therefore you should… Wait until the coach is finished talking, then explain what you saw, and that the result of the play is that the runner is safe. (Remain cool, calm, & collected)

What were the differences… Between the last two situations? Why do we handle them differently? Why determines if “We GO for help” or “We STICK with our call?”

You are the Plate Umpire in this game, how would you explain the situation to this coach? What would you do if the coach displayed loud dismay with your explanation? JO Fast Pitch Game: The home team manager comes out in the bottom of the 3 rd inning and properly reports #16 for #12. She is properly listed in the 8 th position. The plate umpire, without notifying anyone, makes the change on their line-up card after the end of the inning. The visiting manager comes out to protest that #16 is unreported.

What are some things that should have been done? Record Changes WHEN THEY OCCUR! Notify the official scorer AND opposing coach of the change WHEN THEY OCCUR!

When Opposing Coach Comes Out To Protest: Listen to their questions and concerns. Admit you made a mistake, but regardless, the player was reported to you and there was No Violation committed. Assure the coach that you will work hard to not let this happen again.
