What is Earth Science? What are the Earth System’s four Spheres? What are cycles and how do they work?
System: A kind of model often used to describe the natural world. Closed System: ENERGY enters and may leave, but MATTER does not leave Open System: ENERGY and MATTER are free to enter and leave
Volcano Energy is released, matter released as lava Light bulb Electrical Energy enters, light is released Tree Sunlight, water, & Carbon Dioxide in, water and oxygen released, seeds and leaves drop to ground Ocean Sunlight enters, water enters through runoff and precipitation, water leaves through evaporation Boiling Water Heat enters, heat and vapors are released
Population Resources Impact Science helps educate us and find solutions!!!
The movement of Energy into and out of the Earth System A.K.A. The Energy Budget Balance is the Key: equal energy in and out
99.985% of total energy It comes from nuclear reactions in the sun Drives winds, ocean currents, waves, and weather.
Geo means Earth Thermal means Heat 0.013% Drives the movement of Earth’s crust, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and Geysers Important role in the Rock Cycle
0.002% of the energy budget Results from the moon’s pull on the Earth’s oceans Powerful enough to slow down the Earth