Application of RegCM3 to Climate Research in South America, Central America and the Caribbean
Objectives Calibration and validation of the model RegCM3 for the domains of interest Development of a climatology for the model for the domains of interest. Development of a data base for climate variability studies from intra-seasonal to inter-annual time scales. Multiple nesting for specific regions. (Peru and Cuba, Caribean Islands, San Paulo) Comparison between ETA and RegCM3 Hydrology of Parana La Plata Basin Domains: 1.South America (20 N – 50 S; 20 W- 100 W) 2. Central America and the Caribbean. (0N-35N; 50W-110W)
Technical aspects: Period for climatology: Period for tuning purposes: 2 month of data (El Nino, La Nina) Resolution: 60 km for South America 25 km for Central America and the Caribbean. Sensitivity tests to:convection schemes resolution domain ICBC (NCEP and ECMWF) Potential Funding source: IAI,
Participants Countries: Argentina (CIMA) Brazil (USP, CPTEC, UFPR) Peru (IGP) Chile ? Cuba ? Mexico UNAM People: Anji Seth