The Cloudy and Hazy World Seen by Steve Schneider V. Ramanathan Scripps Institution of Oceanography La Jolla, California Schneider Symposium Boulder, Colo, Aug 25, 2011
Earth Radiation Budget Experiment: { Joined Team in 1975} Originally proposed by Suomi; the Expt awarded to NASA-Langley Ramanathan, Barkstrom and Harrison, Physics Today, 1989
Ramanathan, Barkstrom and Harrison, Phys Today, 1989 Kim and Ramanathan, 2006
Clouds switch from cooling to warming at high Latitudes in winter
SCHNEIDER,1972 Ramanathan et al: 1989; 1995; 2006 SCHNEIDER,1972
The Copenhagen Accord for Limiting Global Warming: Criteria, Constraints and Available Avenues Ramanathan and Xu, Submitted to PNAS, 2010
A Grand Climate Change and Mitigation Experiment Providing Clean Cooking and Lighting Technologies and documenting their impacts on Air pollution, Climate Forcing, Health Exposure Indoors and outdoors V. Ramanathan and the Surya Team
November December Ramanathan 2007 NASA-MODIS Intense Atmospheric Solar Heating: Melting of Glaciers; Disruption of Monsoon Dimming of Surface: Decreasing evaporation; Decreasing Monsoon Rainfall Deposition of BC on Snow Melting of Glaciers 500,000 deaths from indoor Smoke More than 60% of BC emissions Is from biomass burning Millions of Tons of crop damages
Eliminating Cooking Smoke can have dramatic Impact on Air Pollution & Climate Ramanathan and Carmichael, 2008 Simulated Column Black Carbon 2000 to 2005, as is Without BC from Cooking
Global (Annual Values): CO 2 Released :1 B Ton (WB-2011) Black Carbon (40 Yr GWP) : 1 B to 4 B Ton CO 2 CO (Ozone Precursor) : ?? Regional (S Asia) Himalayan Glaciers Retreat : 30% Monsoon Decrease (7%) : 60% Precipitation effncy : ?? Crop Damages : 5 Mt of Rain fed Rice Alone Water Security : ????? Fuel wood(344); Crops(76); Dung (75) Tg/Yr The Game Changer : Cookstove Climate Mitigation Potential We need to Reduce CO 2 emissions by 20 B Tons/Yr by 2050 to limit warming to 2C. Will Cost $46 Trillion from now to 2050 (IEA)
What is Surya: A Climate Change Science, Health & Sustainability Experiment Demonstration Phase: >10000 households Pilot Phase: 485 households EOS-Satellites
Indoor and Outdoor BC Why the Brown Color? Wavelength (nm) Normalized Abs Coefft Surya Observations Rehman et al, ACPD 2011
Over S. Asia, the simulated BC is a factor of 3 to 10 Lower
Diurnal variation of seasonal mean BC concentration at SVI_1 village centre (VC). Seasonal Variation in BC Concentrations: Comparison with Climate Models Simulated Ganguly et Al, 2010 Simulated Menon et al, 2010
Have Identified the Technology that reduces BC emissions Kar et al, 2011
Monthly mean LIDAR extinction profiles (532 nm) from CALIPSO for the grid (26–27N and 80–82E) for post-monsoon, dry and pre-monsoon seasons, respectively. SVI_1 is located within this grid. How Deep Does the Soot aerosols Penetrate? NASA-CALIPSO Data DEC to FEB OCT to NOV March to May
25 Monitoring Stove BC Emissions Using Mobile Phones Filter, placed on reference template 25 mm Results sent back via SMS Picture sent to server Micro-Pump and Filter N Ramanathan, et al, Atm Environment, 2011 Innovations $500 per unit, ultra low power. Low-tech: works with any camera cellphone. Real-time reporting.
Indoor and Outdoor BC Why the Brown Color? Wavelength (nm) Normalized Abs Coefft Surya Observations Rehman et al, ACPD 2011
Ground Based Observations
SURYA Sustainability Science Implementation Diffusion Adoption Grand Climate Change Expt C Energy Technologies Human- environment Interactions Air Pollution & Health Impacts Outstanding Problems that are within the scope of Surya Wireless data collection on massive scale Translating Knowledge Into Action