Appreciating Human Diversity Identify diversity and its impact on education
Questions from the Cohort I lost one of your questions from Tuesday. Please ask it again tonight… sorry What happens if we start to teach and decide to quit after a few difficult months? When is the best time to attend job fairs? So, I pass my exams, sign a contract with a district and I’m ready to begin my first year of teaching. Do I still need to spend a lot of time and energy completing class assignments?
Interviewing and Conferencing Time! Questions concerning your action research assignment should be discussed within your study group first. If you cannot determine the answer within your group, you may ask the instructor. Don’t forget to complete your online and electronic portfolios Look over your website scoring rubric that Gloria sent you and make the necessary corrections. Contact her for any questions and/or help.
Assessment 1: 3/20 GreatAveragePoorTotal Design and Usability 10 points each5 points each0 points each *functioning links All links on page are functioning and point to available and active websites Most links on page are functioning and point to available and active websites Many links on page are not functioning and do not point to available and active websites10 *colors to contrast the text size and colors used can easily be read Most of the text size and colors used can easily be read It is difficult to read the text size and colors used10 *page title Meaningful title given to each page; remember the title and filename are not the same A title is provided, however, it gives users little insight as to webpage purposeNo title given to page10 *navigation All navigation of WebPages is easy and obvious to follow Most of the navigation is easy and obvious to follow The navigation is difficult to find and follow10 *professionalism Site shows teacher preparedness and professionalism reflecting legal and ethical use of technology Site can be more organized or "cleaner" to show professionalism, some evidence of copyright fraud Site does not show preparedness or professionalism, shows copyright fraud10 Main Page (index.html) * short intro The index page provides a short and clear introduction to yourself and teaching Introduction is not clear or professionalNo introduction provided10 Included Digital Photo Image is clear and sized appropriately Image is not clear or sized appropriatelyNo image10 Evidence of use of technology Website documents and design show use of digital camera, scanner, and graphics, audio, video, and other technology. Some technology used other than word processing No use of technology other than word processing.10 Notes: Total 100 You should have received this scoring rubric from Gloria. She will help you make necessary corrections. Don’t forget however that many folks in this class are willing and able to help- just ask!
Appreciating Human Diversity Group and Self-Assessment Lesson 12 page 2 Complete each section on a separate sheet of chart paper Section 1- Come to a Group Consensus Section 2- Discuss these Questions and Statements Section 3- Within Your Group… SHARE EACH SECTION WITH THE CLASS
Case Studies Page 29 Case Study 1: Martha Read Martha's case study and discuss the questions on page 30 Case Study 2: Ingrid Read ingrid’s case study and discuss the questions on page 32 Appreciating Human Diversity
Review the definition of diversity. Apply the definition to an educational setting Identify 3 ways diversity impacts the learning processes Questions?