How to Tell Time
The big hand is minutes, the little hand is hours
Analog clocks have two hands to tell time. It takes 12 hours for the short hand to go all the way around the clock face. It takes 60 minutes for the long hand to go all the way around the clock face.
The Numbers are in 5 minute intervals within these intervals there are little increments that show the minutes
Though there are 24 hours in a day, there are only 12 numbers on a clock.
Some clocks use Roman Numerals
This is a picture of the famous Big Ben in London This is one of the world’s largest clocks This is also an analog clock. It uses Roman Numerals.
The first 2 numbers are the hour. The second 2 numbers are the minutes
Digital Clocks The numbers are easier and faster to read. These clocks are very popular today.
There are sixty seconds in a minute. There are sixty minutes in a hour. Therefore there are 3600 seconds in a hour.
The hours are shown by the two numbers before the colon. The minutes are shown by the two numbers after the colon. Digital clocks show the time exactly as it appears.
What time does this say? 3 o’clock