Longitude and Time
Imagine clocks did not exist…..what would you base time on?
Solar Noon Sunrise Sunset Solar Time – Solar Noon –
What did the early clocks look like? Sundial
Review Longitude Lines
Do students in California get up when you get up for school?
Time = Longitude!!
Earth’s Rotation Earth Rotates ___o in 24 hours 360o/24hrs = __o per hour
Standard Time Zones What is the amount of time difference between each time zone? 1 hour Every 15o longitude is a new time zone. How many time zones are there? 24 hours in one day… there are 24 time zones!
Map of 24 Hour Time Zones
Determining Longitude
1st: -
A chronometer is a clock set to the local time at Greenwich, just outside of London.
2nd: - Local time best found at Solar Noon (12 noon) Sextant
3rd: Multiply by -0/hr
4th: - If GMT is later in the day compared to local time – you are west If GMT is earlier in the day compared to local time - you are east
East sees daylight first! West last to see daylight! Prime Meridian Sun
2pm is later in the day than 12 noon - Example 1 GMT = 2 pm Local Time = 12 noon What is your longitude? 2 hours*15° = 30° 2pm is later in the day than 12 noon - 30°W
The Prime Meridian is later in the day than local time. 2pm 12pm The Prime Meridian is later in the day than local time.
GMT = 8 am Local Time = 12 noon What is your Longitude? -* -° = -° -
Final Question GMT = 10 pm Local Time = 12 noon What is your Longitude? -* -° = -° - Final Question