The Bank of Moulton
Strategy ► Community Cosumer Bank: Local Deposits Local Loans servicing consumer and small business lending ► Service all customers while concentrating on loans to Retail clients with deposits from both commercial and retail clients, and increase Branching Trust, Fin’l Services ► Use Jumbo CDs to strategically to finance specific needs Financial Slack ► Rely on core deposits to finance bank, make loans and hold investment portfolio ► Concentrate on being profitable, NOT BIG!
Strategy Levers and Performance ► Move out of Jumbo CDs, use for strategic needs 1.4 Assets$4.90 billion 1.4 CDs$950 million 1.4 MM Svgs$1.7 billion 2.4 Assets$3.96 billionLess CDs: 2.4 CDs$87.1 millionSold RE Portfolio 2.4 MM Svgs$1.92 billion& Synd Loans 3.4 Assets$5.11 billion 3.4 CDs$719.5 millionLns $3.5b $2.2b 3.4 MM Svgs$2.16 billionSecs. $1b $2.5b
Strategy Levers and Performance ► Move out of Jumbo CDs ► Shift focus to High, Medium and Consumer Loans Effec Int Rates vs. Spd + COF indicates High, Med Target 25% in Desired; 25% in Undesired; Reduce R/E Holdings to lower fund’g, but Svc! Reduce Synd as not Local Business loans 1.4 3.4 R/E -78%, Prime -22%, Synd -89% 1.4 3.4 H -18%, M -6%, Cons. -2%, CC -13% Watch PLL vs. Charge-Offs
Strategy Levers and Performance ► Move out of Jumbo CDs ► Loans to Desired Customers (H, Med and Cons.) ► Concentrate on being profitable ROE slows into ROA as Lev dropping. ► ROE in the 20-25% range ► Lev dropping due to Earnings; Cap Adeq at 1.40 ROA Inc’g ► ROA in 1-2% range Adjmt. To RE and Futures shows Hedging, but also timing errors
Peak, Sold Fut. When Int. Rts. C/A = 5.5% C/A = 7%
Peak Trough
Sold R/E Loss on Futures
Plans for the Future ► Concentrate on Spread & Burden Stay away from expensive funds and reconsider Invmts. Consumer Loans and Svcs. (40 Branches 50 by 5.4) ► ► Watch Temporary Employee Expense! ► ► Work on CC Procssg. Focus on Provision for Loan Losses (Loan Policy) (Lately PLL/Lns < ChgOff/Lns!) ► Continue to attract Consumer Loans, but don’t lose all Comm’l customers (Loans and Core Dep.) ► Continue to consider rate diff. in fund’g and invmt. ► Repurchase more Equity/Cap Nts. to manage Capital Adequacy and Leverage: Cap Adeq 1.15, C/A=6.7%.