2013 Missouri Economic Forecast Dr. David Mitchell, Director Bureau of Economic Research
US and Missouri Compared (Percent Change in Real GDP by Sector 2009 to 2011) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
US and Missouri Compared (Percent Change in Real GDP by Sector 2010 to 2011) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Missouri Business Loans Thds of 2012:2 SA dollars Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Missouri Real Estate Loans Thds of 2012:2 SA dollars Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Missouri Bank Loans Past Due days (thds of dollars) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Missouri Bank Loans Past Due 90+ days (thds of dollars) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
$4.62 $3.26 Bureau of Economic Research MSU
$3.26 $19.80 Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Missouri Real Personal Income (2012:2 Constant $ SAAR) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Missouri Real Personal Income (2012:2 Constant $ SAAR) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Missouri Real Personal Income (2012:2 Constant $ SAAR and CAGR Trends) 2.9% 1.7% 2% Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Growth in Real Personal Income (Year over Year) 1.4% Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Dollar Change in Real Average Weekly Wages (2011 to 2012) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Dollar Change in Real Average Weekly Wages (2007Q4 to 2012) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
US and Missouri Home Prices (1980:Q1 = 100 ; Constant $1980) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
US and Missouri Home Prices Year over Year Percent Change Bureau of Economic Research MSU
City Level Housing Prices (1995:1 =100; 1995 constant $) KC 106 STL 112 Joplin 106 Spfd 94 Bureau of Economic Research MSU
New Single Family Home Permits per 10,000 population Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Missouri Unemployment Rate Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Missouri-US Unemployment Rate Difference Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Major City Unemployment Rates Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Other Unemployment Rates Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Current County Unemployment Rate September 2012 Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Labor Force in Missouri Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Labor Force in Missouri 1.6% 0.6% -0.9% Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Year to Year Change in Missouri Labor Force Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Missouri Employment Peak of 2,914,418 Dec Trough of 2,755,850 Dec Average 2,794,099 Current 2,780, = March 1997 Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Index of Missouri and US Employment (Jan 2000 = 100) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
US and Missouri CPS Employment (Nov 2007 =100) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Missouri Employment (Percent Change Year over Year) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Percent Change in County Employment September 2011 to September 2012 Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Missouri CES and CPS Employment Compared Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Missouri CES and CPS Employment Compared Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Missouri Employment Breakdown IndustryJan-12Sep-12Change Change in Percent Employ (CPS) SA2,812.92, Nonfarm (CES) NSA2,593.82, Nonfarm (CES) SA2,650.42, Private2,217.12, Construction Financial Government Health Information Leisure Manufacturing Mining Prof Biz Services Retail Trans/Utilities Wholesale Other Services Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Monthly Change in Employment (CPS) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Monthly Change in Employment (CES) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Construction (thds) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Manufacturing (thds) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Financial (thds) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Health/Education (thds) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Retail (thds) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Government (thds) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Where is Missouri Growing? (January 2012 to today) Kansas City (-2,946) St. Louis (496) MSA Minor (-3,200) Rural (-8,954) Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Millions of Real Missouri Sales Taxes (End of Fiscal Year) in Sep ‘12 Dollars Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Millions of Real Missouri Sales Taxes (YTD) in Sep ‘12 Dollars Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Millions of Real Missouri Corporate Income Taxes (End of Fiscal Year) in Sep ‘12 Dollars Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Millions of Real Missouri Corporate Income Taxes (YTD) in Sep ‘12 Dollars Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Millions of Real Missouri Income Taxes (End of Fiscal Year) in Sep ‘12 Dollars Bureau of Economic Research MSU
Millions of Real Missouri Income Taxes (YTD) in Sep ‘12 Dollars Bureau of Economic Research MSU
2013 Missouri Forecast Industry2013 FChange (thds) Nonfarm (CES) 2, Private 2, Construction Financial Government Health Information Leisure Manufacturing Mining Prof Biz Services Retail Trans/Utilities Wholesale Other Services Unemployment Rate (SA) 6.10% Real Personal Income (Millions) 241,2204,265 Bureau of Economic Research MSU