Disability Support Service CIT November 4 th, 2010
Access Service, CIT CIT Access Service works with groups who are under represented in higher education such as – Students who are socio economically disadvantaged Mature Students Students with disabilities Ethnic Minority Groups
Disability Support Service, CIT The aim of the Disability Support Service in CIT is to try to encourage the participation and access of students with disabilities into third level education Person centred approach to service delivery Policy of Equal Opportunity in Education Strict Confidentiality Policy
Range of Disabilities at CIT The students who are registered with the Disability Support Service in CIT range from the following- Physical disabilities Significant Ongoing Illnesses Mental Health Difficulties Specific Learning Disabilities (including Dyslexia, Dyspraxia & Dysgraphia) Blind/Vision Impaired Students Deaf/Hard of hearing students Students with Aspergers Syndrome
Accessing Higher Education Launched October 6 th, 2009 DARE is a supplementary admissions scheme to tackle educational disadvantage CIT are “shadowing” DARE process at the moment – see handout CIT operate the same criteria and timelines as DARE Point reduction of approx points in 2010
School leavers (under 23 years as at 1 st January 2011) who may not be able to meet the points for their preferred course due to the impact of a disability. Apply online at Disclose a disability or specific learning difficulty on the appropriate section of the application form & TICK THE DARE BOX! Complete the Supplementary Information Forms
There are 3 separate sections to the Supplementary Information Forms which must be completed by the applicant. Applicants must complete a Personal Statement Applicants must return a Second Level Academic Reference completed by their school. Applicant’s must return the Evidence of Disability Form completed by the accepted Medical Consultant/Specialist.
Professionals who should confirm Disability Vision ImpairmentOphthalmologist Hearing ImpairmentAudiologist or ENT Consultant DyslexiaAppropriately Qualified Psychologist Asperger’s &ADD/ADHDPsychiatrist/Psychologist Mental Health Condition Psychiatrist Neurological ConditionsNeurologist or consultant specific to condition DyspraxiaOccupational Therapist Significant Ongoing IllnessConsultant specific to condition Physical DisabilityOrthopaedic Consultant or consultant specific to condition CONSULT DARE CRITERIA AND WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORAMTION SO AS TO ENSURE IT IS UP TO DATE AT TIME OF MAKING APPLICATION All DARE applications are assessed using criteria developed by HEI Assessment Boards (which included HEI professionals) and representatives from expert professional external organisations.
Funding Support There is a fund available to students with disabilities which was introduced in 1994 called the Fund for Students with Disabilities. Provision of services and supports to full-time students with disabilities. Applications to the Fund are made on behalf of an eligible student by the Disability Support Officer following an assessment of need. The Fund for Students with Disabilities is funded by the Irish Government and part-funded by the European Social Fund under the Human Capital Investment Operational Programme
Process Register with Laura O’Rourke, Disability Support Officer Attend classes for a week or so Attend ‘needs assessment’ with Disability Officer and Disability Facilitation Administrator Determine supports you may need Fill in forms – consent, funding application etc
Supporting Documentation needed for Funding Applications Blind/Vision ImpairedOphthalmologist Report Deaf/Hard of HearingAudiologist, ENT Consultant Physical/Mobility DisabilityOrthopedic consultant, Neurologist (consultant), other consultant specific to condition. Medical ConditionRelevant consultant in the area of condition Mental Health Psychiatrist Dyslexia/SpLDEducational Psychologist Report
Supports Available Sign Language Interpreters Note taking Service Speedtext/Stereotype Photocopying Additional Tutorial Support Personal Assistants Liaise with academic staff (with consent) Assistive Technology Learning Support
Assistive Technology Service Opening in 2010 Located in the Student Centre Building 16 Workstations with Assistive Technology Soundproof Booth For students registered with Disability Support ONLY Software installed to assist students with their studies
Assistive Technology Available Read & Write Gold (Texthelp) Inspiration Mind Manager These software packages are available on all computers in the Open Access, AT Service, Library and most departmental computers Shortly to be installed on departmental PC’s also
Contact Details Laura O’Rourke Disability Support Officer, Students Centre, Access Service, CIT Bishopstown Cork Tel – – Ruth Murphy Disability Facilitation Administrator Exams Office CIT Bishopstown Cork Tel – –