DISABILITY ACCESS ROUTE TO EDUCATION Cork IGC Branch Grace Edge, Sinead Quinn (IUA) & Mary O’Grady, UCC
What we will cover.. DARE & HEAR Admissions DARE changes for 2016 Completing the Educational Impact Statement DARE Changes for 2017 Tips on introducing DARE to potential applicants DARE & HEAR Admissions DARE changes for 2016 Completing the Educational Impact Statement DARE Changes for 2017 Tips on introducing DARE to potential applicants
DARE Admissions
HEAR Admissions
DARE & HEAR Admissions
HEAR OAP admissions up by 17% (n=184). RP admissions up by 16% (n=149) Combined Admissions (AOP + RP) up by 17% (n=333). DARE OAP admissions up by 66% (n= 299) RP admissions up by 63% (n=312) Combined Admissions (AOP + RP) up by 65% (n=611). Admissions Quick Analysis
Background to Changing DARE DARE HEAR Evaluation 2013, Maynooth University & University of Edinburgh. Desire from the participating HEIs for improvement to the existing criteria. Feedback from the IGC and individual Guidance Counsellors. Feedback from other stakeholder groups including students with a Disability. DARE HEAR Evaluation 2013, Maynooth University & University of Edinburgh. Desire from the participating HEIs for improvement to the existing criteria. Feedback from the IGC and individual Guidance Counsellors. Feedback from other stakeholder groups including students with a Disability.
Rationale for changes.. DARE not getting the students that are necessarily impacted as a result of disability. Previous DARE criteria for eligibility is evidencing of a disability but does not for the most part measure educational impact of a disability. Cost of providing evidence of disability documentation discouraging applicants from lower income families applying. Intersection between disability and socio-economic disadvantage. There is a group of students with disabilities who are socio- economically disadvantaged and are most educationally impacted. Reconsideration of the policies and processes surrounding targets/quotas within and across participating HEIs and the admissions process. DARE not getting the students that are necessarily impacted as a result of disability. Previous DARE criteria for eligibility is evidencing of a disability but does not for the most part measure educational impact of a disability. Cost of providing evidence of disability documentation discouraging applicants from lower income families applying. Intersection between disability and socio-economic disadvantage. There is a group of students with disabilities who are socio- economically disadvantaged and are most educationally impacted. Reconsideration of the policies and processes surrounding targets/quotas within and across participating HEIs and the admissions process.
New DARE Broadening avenues for applicants to provide evidence of disability in order to make it easier and more affordable to apply to DARE. Targeting applicants who have been educationally impacted as a result of a disability as opposed to students with a disability. Increasing the number of students that are particularly under represented in higher education. Broadening avenues for applicants to provide evidence of disability in order to make it easier and more affordable to apply to DARE. Targeting applicants who have been educationally impacted as a result of a disability as opposed to students with a disability. Increasing the number of students that are particularly under represented in higher education.
Evaluation of New DARE DARE will look for feedback on the experience of Guidance Counsellors on the changes to the scheme An optional survey will be circulated mid/late April 2016 through the branch network (TBC). Modifications / changes will be made based on feedback DARE will look for feedback on the experience of Guidance Counsellors on the changes to the scheme An optional survey will be circulated mid/late April 2016 through the branch network (TBC). Modifications / changes will be made based on feedback
Overview of ChangesDisability Type Timeline 1.The Educational Impact Statement replaces Section B Second Level Academic Reference. AllEntry Personal Statement becomes ‘Applicant Statement’ and is part of Section B. AllEntry New DARE Eligibility Criteria on Educational ImpactAllEntry GP Verification of a consultants diagnosis for non-SLD applicants Non-Specific Learning Difficulty Entry Prioritisation of offers to DARE and HEAR eligible applicants AllEntry Prioritisation of offers to students with physical and sensory disabilities. Physical / Sensory Entry Removal of the mandatory requirement of a full psycho- educational assessment dated within three years of application. Specific Learning Difficulty & DCD Entry 2017
What is DARE? The Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) third level alternative admissions scheme for school-leavers whose disabilities have had a negative impact on their second level education. DARE offers reduced points places to school leavers who as a result of having a disability have experienced additional educational challenges in second level education.
Who should Apply? Applicants with a disability that has had a negative impact on their educational performance in school. Applicants who therefore may not be able to meet the points for their preferred course due to the impact of disability. Applicants to CAO under 23 years as of 1 January Applicants with a disability that has had a negative impact on their educational performance in school. Applicants who therefore may not be able to meet the points for their preferred course due to the impact of disability. Applicants to CAO under 23 years as of 1 January 2016.
Disabilities eligible for consideration Autistic Spectrum Disorders (including Asperger’s Syndrome) ADD / ADHD Blind / Vision Impaired Deaf / Hard of Hearing DCD – Dyspraxia/Dysgraphia Mental Health Conditions Neurological Conditions (incl. Brain Injury & Epilepsy) Speech & Language Communication Disorder Significant Ongoing Illness Physical Disability Specific Learning Difficulty (Dyslexia & Dyscalculia)
Educational Impact 1.On their Learning or Exam Results ? 2.On their Attendance or regularly Disrupted their school day? 3.Has it affected their School Experience and Well-being ? 4.Have they received Intervention or Supports ? 5.Has it affected their homework and study Time ? 6.Has it caused any other Educational Impact ? 7.If they have a Specific Learning Difficulty, is it severely impacting on their literacy or numeracy skills? Has applicant’s disability impacted on 2 of the following?
DARE Eligibility Criteria? To be eligible for DARE an applicant must meet both the DARE evidence of disability criteria and DARE educational impact criteria. Applicants must provide the required evidence of their disability and provide an Educational Impact Statement from their school to be considered for DARE.
Supplementary Information Form (SIF) Section A: Applicant Information Completed by applicant by 1st March Answer Yes to Q1 to apply to DARE and fully complete Questions 1-4. Section B: Educational Impact Statement Applicant Statement completed by applicant. School Statement completed by school. Send to CAO by 1 April Section C: Evidence of a Disability Completed by the appropriate professional. Send to CAO by 1 April 2016.
Section B: Educational Impact Statement Provides information on how an applicant’s disability has impacted on their second level education. There are 2 sections: 1. Applicant Statement 2. School Statement Download form. Complete the Applicant Statement with the applicant. Applicant Statement
What we require: Applicant answers ‘yes or no’ to the five statements. Applicant writes no more than 200 words, expanding on the above five statements or covering other ways their disability has affected their post primary education. Applicant can use bullet points. Role in Assessment: If an applicant does not complete the applicant statement they may still be eligible. However, important to complete as used in assessment to compliment or clarify information provided in the School Statement. What we require: Applicant answers ‘yes or no’ to the five statements. Applicant writes no more than 200 words, expanding on the above five statements or covering other ways their disability has affected their post primary education. Applicant can use bullet points. Role in Assessment: If an applicant does not complete the applicant statement they may still be eligible. However, important to complete as used in assessment to compliment or clarify information provided in the School Statement.
Section B: Educational Impact Statement This section needs to be completed by either: Guidance Counsellor Learning Support Teacher Year Head or Visiting Teacher The form MUST BE signed and stamped by school principal/deputy principal. Applicant must return to the CAO by 1 April It is also advisable to ask the applicant (or their parent/guardian if they are under 18) to sign the EIS. EIS must cover at least final three years of post primary. School Statement
EIS: What DARE is looking for Applicant’s grades noticeably & significantly decreased since onset (or deterioration) Would apply to for example the Mental Health & Significant Ongoing illness categories. Looking for evidence of decline in school exam results. 1.2 Ability to complete homework or study 1.3 Performance in class or expected exam performance 1.4 Ability to access the curriculum Only need to meet one of the above three. So it is not necessary to find teachers that would confirm them all. Applies to all types of disabilities. 1.6 Applicant attending supported or specialised school Applies to a small number of applicants, e.g. school for the deaf. Indicator 1: Learning and Exam Results
EIS: What DARE is looking for Impact on School attendance Applicant needs to have been absent for at least 20 days in one year or an average of 15 over two years due to disability. No need to search for records of other years if applicant is meeting the above. 2.2 Class Attendance or Completion of the full school day Quantify time missed as accurately as possible Give reason(s) for classes missed If unsure if time missed is significant, tick yes & provide information 2.3 Any other type of significant absence Example might be applicant has to repeat year due to disability. Indicator 2: Attendance & Disruption
EIS: What DARE is looking for Applicant’s potential to participate fully in extra-curricular or social activities School in consultation with the applicant must provide a specific example. 3.2 Applicant has received support due to the emotional impact of the disability/condition Just need to know who that support was received from. Detail of that support is not necessary. Indicator 3: School Experience & Well-being
EIS: What DARE is looking for Applicant received additional Support in School List supports provided over the years of attendance in school. Learning support teacher may be best person to provide this. In general applicants who have had support for two years or more will meet this indicator. 4.2 Accommodations for State examinations If applicant was granted RACE for leaving cert they meet this indicator. If application is pending or being appealed DARE will consider Junior Cert Accommodations. Indicator 4: Intervention & Support
EIS: What DARE is looking for It takes applicant considerably longer than their peers to complete school/work study Find out from the applicant how long it takes them. If longer than peers, tick yes and indicate extra time required. 5.2 Applicant has less time than their peers to dedicate to study Applies to disabilities or conditions where time is required to manage the condition If applicant requires time to do this, please give amount of time required and brief details of the nature of the activity. Indicator 5: Time Issues
EIS: What DARE is looking for Other Educational Impact This section is to capture any other impact not stated previously You should provide as much detail as possible. Indicator 6
EIS: What DARE is looking for Attainment Scores for applicants with a Specific Learning Difficulty Applicants with an SLD must meet this indicator For entry 2016 this information can only be taken from a full psycho-educational assessment dated on or after February 1 st Report must show two literacy or numeracy scores on or below the 10 th percentile Report most contain General Ability score on or above a standard score of 90. Indicator 7
Educational Impact Statement If applicant is meeting one of the impact questions under an indicator they meet that indicator. Applicants with a Specific Learning Difficulty need to meet indicator 7 and one other indicator. All other applicants need to meet any 2 of indicators 1-6. Summary
Section C: Evidence of Disability Provides verification of disability and helps to determine 3rd level supports. Applicant can provide an existing report OR Complete Section C Evidence of Disability. Get form completed, signed and stamped by the appropriate professional or accompanied by their business card or headed paper. GP Verification Your GP may be in a position to complete Section C Evidence of disability, if they have the appropriate information on file from the consultant/specialist.
Section C: Evidence of Disability General Practitioner (GP) Verification: Applies to all applicants except where a psycho- educational assessment is required. GP must have the information on file from the DARE listed Consultant/Specialist. Diagnosis or re-confirmation of diagnosis must be within the given timeframe if one applies. If GP does not have appropriate info on file, they should refer applicant to consultant/specialist. GP diagnosis not acceptable in any circumstances.
Section C: Evidence of Disability It is important to note that applicants applying under the following disability categories must provide a report that is less than 3 years old i.e. dated after 1 February ADD / ADHD Mental Health Condition Significant Ongoing Illness Specific Learning Difficulty (including Dyslexia and Dyscalculia) DCD - Dyspraxia/ Dysgraphia. Age of Reports
Section C: Evidence of Disability Applicants with a Specific Learning Difficulty (including dyslexia and dyscalculia) must provide a full psycho-educational assessment dated after 1 February Applicants with DCD - Dyspraxia/Dysgraphia. must provide a full psycho-educational assessment dated after 1 February 2013 AND Evidence of Disability Form 2016 OR Existing report completed by Occupational Therapist or Neurologist or Chartered Physiotherapist (No age limit) Psycho Educational Assessment
Change for 2017 DARE will no longer require a full psycho-educational assessment dated within the previous 3 years of application for students applying on the basis of a: Specific Learning Difficulty (SLD) Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD) – Dyspraxia/Dysgraphia Details of the new requirements will be announced and circulated in early Psycho-educational Assessment
Benefits of DARE Reduced Points (as before) An example: If the Leaving Certificate points for a course is 360 points, an eligible DARE applicant could be offered a place with a lower points score e.g. 350 points. Applicants need to meet entry and programme requirements to be considered for a DARE reduced points offer. The amount of points a particular course is reduced by is dependent on: The overall number of places on the course The number of reserved DARE places on the course The number of DARE eligible applicants competing for these reserved places. The reduction in points for DARE places can vary every year. However, the following groups will be prioritised by participating colleges when allocating reduced points places : Applicants eligible for both DARE and HEAR Applicants with a physical or sensory disability Reduced Points (as before) An example: If the Leaving Certificate points for a course is 360 points, an eligible DARE applicant could be offered a place with a lower points score e.g. 350 points. Applicants need to meet entry and programme requirements to be considered for a DARE reduced points offer. The amount of points a particular course is reduced by is dependent on: The overall number of places on the course The number of reserved DARE places on the course The number of DARE eligible applicants competing for these reserved places. The reduction in points for DARE places can vary every year. However, the following groups will be prioritised by participating colleges when allocating reduced points places : Applicants eligible for both DARE and HEAR Applicants with a physical or sensory disability
College supports may include: Benefits of DARE You don’t have to be eligible for DARE to get support in college. A needs assessment is conducted to identify specific support requirements. You don’t have to be eligible for DARE to get support in college. A needs assessment is conducted to identify specific support requirements. Orientation Programmes Learning Support Assistive Technology Library Support Exam Accommodations Educational Support Worker Academic Tuition Orientation Programmes Learning Support Assistive Technology Library Support Exam Accommodations Educational Support Worker Academic Tuition
Introducing DARE to Potential Applicants DARE HEAR presentation to class group. – Emphasis on Disabilities Eligible for Consideration & Educational Impact Slides. Speak to Learning Support Teacher. Speak to potential applicants individually. Be aware of the possible emotional impact on student of applying to DARE. DARE HEAR presentation to class group. – Emphasis on Disabilities Eligible for Consideration & Educational Impact Slides. Speak to Learning Support Teacher. Speak to potential applicants individually. Be aware of the possible emotional impact on student of applying to DARE.
DARE / HEAR Timeline
Q & A on DARE & HEAR
Contact Information Or Mary O’Grady Or Mary O’Grady