Mercury By: Patrick Halligan
Symbol / Name Mercury’s symbol is the biological symbol for female and topped with horns. It is also the element symbol for Mercury (hg) Mercury got its name from the romans and it means the “god of Commerce and travel” Also the planet got its name because it moves so fast around the sky.
Measurement Mass-330,104,000,000,000,000,000,000kg. Volume-60,827,208742 km(3) Density-5.427gmc(3) Sink or Float- Sink, because the density is over 1 Gravity- 3.7 m/s (2)
Distances Order from sun- Sun, mercury. Distance from sun- 46,001,009 km Distance from Earth-0.61 AU
Orbit/Rotation Year- 0.241 Earth years Day- 58.646 Earth days Note that the year on Mercury is longer than the day
Atmosphere Mercury has just about no atmosphere and it is made up of oxygen, sodium, hydrogen, helium, and potassium
Temp. Minimum = -137’ C Minimum = -279’ F Maximum= 427’ C Maximum= 801’ F
Appearance A Mercury has an impressive amount of craters It has ridges, highlands, and mountains Mercury looks like a big rounded piece of rock that has light spots making it look like it has a constellation on its surface.
Weather Due to mercury’s lack of atmosphere it has just about no weather but it has a wild range in temperature as you can see on the temperature slide.
The Moons Of Mercury The thing is mercury has no moons
Water On Mercury? The facts of mercury basically rule it out but surprisingly there has been water found on mercury but in the form of ice because due the coldness of the ice poles there is ice at the bottoms of craters because they never see the sun in those craters.
What if, Human on mercury Mercury would have a similar environment to the moon so the person would need a spacesuit because of the vacuum of space and a very special layer to protects them from the temperatures Vaporized, No oxygen, Frozen, Burned, and Crushed (lack of atmosphere)
Interesting fact A huge asteroid hit Mercury created a 1,300 KM crater in the Coloris Basin. The shockwave wrinkled the crust on the opposite side of Mercury creating hills.
bibliography None unknown Fraser Cain 2009 Samantha harvey Autum Burdick index.cfm 2013 Samantha harvey Autum Burdick 2013