Proxy Cache Engine Performed by: Artyom Borzin Stas Lapchev Instructor: Hen Broodney In cooperation with Magnifier Ltd. הטכניון - מכון טכנולוגי לישראל הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל המעבדה למערכות ספרתיות מהירות Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering High Speed Digital Systems Laboratory
Typical Network Structure Client Proxy Server Routing Server WEB Servers Request Arrival Database Query Add to Database Request Served
Project Overview The tremendous growth of the Internet services occupying almost all spheres of our life: Private services: news updates, bank operations and etc. Business services: video conferences, customer services and etc. The industry demand to achieve high resource utilization on the existing network foundations Information security and Web servers protection The rising requirement for creative solutions to compensate the gap between the available computation power and the complexity of the implemented algorithms Minimizing of cost/performance ratio
Case Study Existing network systems analyzes Resource reuse and Web caching Proxy server performance System bottlenecks identification Caching algorithms complexity (high CPU load) Data extraction/access restrictions Security algorithms complexity Possible solutions characterization Task specific hardware solution Optimal load spreading Algorithms definition Feasibility study
Proxy Server Characteristics Proxy Server Advantages Request Latency Reduction Network Traffic Reduction Proxy Server Weaknesses Typical miss rate at least 20-70% High CPU load Latency dependence on database size Low throughputs due to sequential execution No task specific hardware support (content addressable access and etc.) Poor cost/performance ratio
Architecture and Algorithms Hardware implementation Peripheral task-specific PCI board Unique hardware operations to meet the requirements Software Implementation (Function Analyzer) Request/Event Generator Control Response Analyzer Graphic User Interface (GUI)
Performance analyzes Stratacache Squid Dell Compaq-b17 Aratech-2000 F5-EDGE-FX - Proxy Cache Engine Cost/Performence analyzes Cost (x1000$) Requests (req/sec) Total Price (x1000$) Peak Tput (req/sec) Compaq-C2500