Wireless & password security Mark Theeuwes
2 Wireless basics
3 l Radio waves
4 Wireless basics l Channels 2,4 GHz ( B/G/N)
5 Wireless basics l Channels 5GHz ( A/N)
6 Wireless basics l Reflection l Absorbtion l Refraction l Scattering
7 Wireless basics l Omnidirectional antenna
8 Wireless basics l Other Antenna’s
9 Wireless basics l WLAN Cell
10 Wireless basics l Range
11 Wireless basics l Roaming
12 Wireless basics l Roaming
13 Wireless basics l Cells
14 Wireless basics l Honey cone
15 Wireless basics l Building
16 Wireless basics l Autonomous Accespoint
17 CiscoWireless l LWAP
18 Cisco Wireless
19 Wireless
20 Wireless basics l Association
21 Wireless basics l Security options
22 Wireless attacks
23 Wireless attacks
24 WEP cracking
25 WPA2 cracking
26 Passwords
27 Strong passwords
28 Passwords password 2Mypassword 2MyPa$$w0rd! 1Ef$aŎX9s2!#
29 Password policy considerations l What is too simple ? l Password age ? l Password length ?
30 Passwords
31 Strong passwords
32 Myspace attack 2006 ( passwords)
33 Myspace attack 2006
34 Most common passwords (America) l password1, abc123, myspace1, password, blink182, qwerty1, fuckyou, 123abc, baseball1, football1, , soccer, monkey1, liverpool1, princess1, jordan23, slipknot1, superman1, iloveyou1, monkey
35 Password hashes
36 Password hashes
37 Password hacking
38 Password guessing l The word "password" l The same as the user name l Name of the user l Birthdays or birth places l Relatives l Pets l Favorite colors, foods, places, etc.
39 Dictionary attacks
40 Brute force
41 Rainbow tables l NTLM hashes
42 Password database Fontys Venlo (10 years ago)
43 Future ?
44 Security is a trade off
45 Questions