Kinds of Maps World Map Nation Map Town Map * Look at each map and write what you see in the magnifier.
buildings country road map
[street] noun, plural streets A public way or road in a town or city, often with sidewalks. [toun] noun, plural towns A place with many buildings where people live and work. It is larger than a village but smaller than a city. street town street town
building [bild-ing] noun, plural buildings A structure that people live in, work in, store things in, or that they use for many other purposes. [kun-tree] noun, plural countries A nation or state that is controlled by its own government, such as the United States or Mexico. [map] noun, plural maps A plan of an area showing features such as rivers, towns, streets, railway lines, and mountain rages. [rode] noun, plural roads A wide path that cars and other vehicles can travel on. buildings country road map
GrammarHelping Verb‘can’ JIR : From Farm to Table Practice 2 (JIR p 7) You can find streets or roads. You can find buildings. You can find many places. Helping Verb can (can) (base verb) The prince can sing beautifully. Can Alice cook? Practice 1 Grammar & Punctuation 3 Rule 25 Use can to tell that someone is able to do something.
Across 2. A structures that people live or work in. 5. A wide path that cars run on. 6. A place with many buildings that people live in. Down 1. A nation or state that is controlled by its government. 3. A public way or road in a town or city. 4. A plan of an area showing features such as rivers, towns, streets, railway lines, and mountain rages.
* Draw a map of your neighborhood. * Write some places on the map above.
Name : This map helps you find many places in my town. This map shows you where the school is. This map shows you where _______ _____________ _____. Where else can you go?
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