Typing Your Works Cited Page You need to follow these directions step-by-step in order to make your paper look the way it should. 1.Get started a.Click center align button. b.Type in Works Cited as the title in Times New Roman, 12 point. c.Hit the ENTER key. d.Hit the ENTER key again.
Typing Your Works Cited Page Once you set it up the first time, 2.Save your document. Once you set it up the first time, you only need to click on the floppy disk icon on the tool bar. a.Click on the floppy disk icon on the tool bar. b.Make sure you are in My Computer. c.Find your network folder. Your name will be on it. d.Title it as works cited. e.Click save.
Typing Your Works Cited Page 3.Format your page. a.Click on the small arrow in the Paragraph section. SPECIAL from (none) to HANGING. b.Change SPECIAL from (none) to HANGING. SPACING from multiple to double Change SPACING from multiple to double. ALIGNMENT to LEFT Change ALIGNMENT to LEFT Click OK.
Typing Your Works Cited Page C. Click on the line spacing icon and choose REMOVE SPACE AFTER PARAGRAPH.