Factors and Features impacting performance PhysicalMentalSocialEmotional FitnessConcentrationPeer groupConfidence SkillsMental rehearsalCooperationDetermination TacticsManaging anxiety /nerve Team work Managing aggression Environment
Cardio Respiratory Endurance (CRE) Speed Power Agility
Cardio Respiratory Endurance (CRE) – is the ability of the whole body to perform for a long period of time without becoming tired. E.g. To last a full hockey match lasting 70 minutes, a football game lasting 90mins, the full 4 quarters of a basketball match. Why else do we need to have good CRE? What happens if it’s poor? Examples from the 5 CORE activities.
Positive impact on performance – I can maintain a high skill level towards the end of the game/match. Negative impact on performance – I am starting to get tired and therefore I start to make mistakes e.g. My passes are in- accurate (foot), my over head shots are weak as I am getting tired (bad).
Speed– is the ability of the whole body or part of the body to move quickly. E.g. To move quickly to win more loose balls, to limit time and space for opponents, to keep up with marker, to move into space away from marker, to make space and create time, to move quickly when breaking away from opponents defence, to create scoring opportunities by getting into space. Why else do we need to have good speed? What happens if it’s poor? Examples from the 5 CORE activities.
Positive impact on performance – I can move quickly to limit time and space for my opponents which means that I can intercept loose balls quickly and win possession for my team (hoc). Negative impact on performance – I was unable to move quickly enough to get underneath the ball to play a successful volley therefore I ended up playing an in- accurate pass to my team mate (vball).
Power – is a mixture of speed and strength to create an explosive movement. Required for jumping, throwing and striking actions. E.g. To strike the ball powerfully to team mate when passing limiting opponents ability to intercept, to jump high to win the ball and win possession. Why else do we need to have good power? What happens if it’s poor? Examples from the 5 CORE activities.
Positive impact on performance – I am now able to jump up high enough to clear the bar successfully at my selected target height (ath). Negative impact on performance – I am unable to hit the ball powerfully enough resulting in a slow pass to my team mate which is easily intercepted by my opponent (hoc).