God’s Compassion
Gospel Reading Mark wants to show who Jesus is Part of a sequence: Calming storm end of Ch4 – power of nature Dealing with Legion – power over spirits
Gospel Reading 2 Healing of woman – power over sickness Raising of Jairus’ daughter – power over death
Healing of sick woman – Mark 5 v25 to 34 Great FAITH of woman Knew she was ritually unclean Touching Jesus makes HIM unclean Realised she just had to touch Him
Response of Jesus Compassion – go in peace & be free No concern at being unclean even though going to house of synagogue leader who would know Leviticus Ch 15
Jairus’ daughter Mark Ch 5 v FAITH of Jairus v 23 Lack of faith in household after daughter dies Laugh at Jesus when he says child is asleep Raises her & tells them to feed her
Jairus’ daughter 2 Jesus orders them to tell no one else Jesus shows COMPASSION throughout while proving he can defeat both sickness & death
Lamentations Ch 2 v Written by Jeremiah after Babylonians sack Jerusalem Key verses are 22 & 23, 31 to 33 showing God’s compassion to his PEOPLE in their distress & despair when they have no hope
Sue Smith & prison ministry Ministry of COMPASSION Working with people of low morale & hope Demonstrate God’s compassion for those who don’t feel or recognise it