Subject indexing of a library-published open access journal Laura Bowering Mullen Behavioral Sciences Librarian Rutgers Library of Science and Medicine
Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy (PCSP) Editor-in-chief, Daniel B. Fishman, Professor, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology (GSAPP), Rutgers Journal published using OJS (Open Journal Systems) by RUL and GSAPP; website created and hosted by RUL. Journal is described on its website as “a peer-reviewed e-journal of systematic case studies & case study method articles” Free subscription through website http: //
Ensuring web discoverability of a “free to reader,” “free to author,” “free to libraries” open access journal Journal content crawled by Google and Google Scholar (GS always a gateway to quality OA content) Included in OCLC WorldCat (now 388 libraries listed) Journal listed in: Ulrich’sWeb Global Serials Directory (Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (listed with “refereed” and “open access” indicators) DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) Many libraries link to DOAJ, also showcases participation in OA; libraries use for adding subscriptions to OA journals
Web discoverability is followed by subject indexing; disciplinary visibility Subject librarian adds expertise to the process by recommending and promoting subject indexing of a library-published journal Indexing the journal in the subject literature of the discipline adds visibility, credibility, further integration into libraries’ collections, author interest Indexing does not depend on business model of journal; open access journals subject to same criteria as any other journal
Adding PCSP to the psychology literature and library collections Applied to PsycINFO; accepted for coverage after the APA vetting process completed Vetting by APA requires such qualities as high level editor/editorial board, rigorous peer review, regular publishing schedule, relevance alongside other covered journals, etc. PsycINFO covers PSCP starting with issue 1, adding all of the value of their indexing for discoverability by researchers
As a result of PsycINFO indexing… Librarian announced indexed journal to national psychology librarian community -which led to the interest of many libraries in adding a “free”quality psychology journal to their collections/holdings Announcement ended up in listservs, blogs, newsletters (even internationally) Other indexes showed interest as PsycINFO is widely recognized as indicatory of quality (includes EBSCOHost Academic Search Complete)
Core Journal List in Psychology Relational database project of the ACRL EBSS Psychology Committee to allow for method to “rank” journals for collection development /assessment purposes, some authors might use for evaluating journals for submission Data collection from many sources; PSCP included in this database due to its coverage by PsycINFO.
Other considerations for indexing of an open access journal (citation indexing) Application to Web of Science (takes time to get through process; many issues) Scopus covers behavioral sciences more extensively; journal likely to be able to be indexed there now (content advisory committee regular meetings for journal applicants;indexing in PsycINFO matters) Other good index for this journal would be PubMed/Medline
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