Product status and timeline Andy Smith RAL
User products The GGSPS provides user access to the following products: Level 1.5 NANRG, ARG Level 2 ARG (and BARG?) fluxes Level 2 monthly means L2 means – work will not start until mid-year (if funded) L2 fluxes – depends on RMIB’s validation L1.5 follows…
Prerequisites 1.The GGSPS should generate NRT L1.5 products of acceptable data quality. 2.The data archive should give complete time coverage (as far as possible). 3.The data set should be consistent over time. 4.The interface for product download should be reliable and user-friendly. 5.The data products should be well documented.
Product quality Main issues affecting NRT L1.5 products data quality 1.Geolocation: Initial CSOL fix ready by April? Optical model – initial work by June? Follow-up later Long-term CSOL fix: EUM to review July ’04? Plus unknowns… 2.Stray light (deep space, Earth view, black body) Imperial to provide info on gain stability? Initial deep-space fix - prediction and use of fixed gains 3.Cal tables 4.Product validation – timing TBD?
Completeness The data archive should give complete time coverage (as far as possible). Current status: the GGSPS L0 and L1.5 archives are “gappy” UMARF holds the complete L0 data set Re-order L0 data from UMARF to fill in gaps Software required to ingest re-ordered L0 data - ready May/June? Process re-ordered data to L1.5 - wait for bulk re-processing
Consistency The data set should be consistent over time, i.e. L1.5 archive should be self-consistent - same algorithms and cal tables used throughout L1.5 archive should be consistent with available L2 data L1.5 archive - algorithms & cal. tables change with time Re-process with current algorithms & tables - Software ready August? Re-processing to L1.5 should be quick (~1 hour to catch up 1 day in NRT operations) No TSOL jitter data available before 16 th Feb ’04 - can’t reprocess old data with a consistent geolocation
Consistency Consistency with Level 2: Is it desirable to produce the “best possible” L1.5 data set? L1.5 data may become inconsistent with available L2 data - depends on RMIB’s ability to re-process to L2
Data access The interface for product download should be reliable and user-friendly. Current system cannot handle simultaneous large requests (but can be improved) Separate access to public/restricted data not yet available Use the BADC for public data? If so, what about bulk download of restricted data? Plus technical issues to be resolved with BADC
Documentation The data products should be well documented. L1.5 product user guides are available If known problems present in data, more documentation needed Issues affecting L2 (flux) release: Data quality: validation Data access and availability of documentation Support: Data release requires additional support effort Slows new development