The images in this flipchart are of buildings in Llanelli that were built the second half of the 20th century. Look at the buildings on each screen. They illustrate how the buidling styles changed gradually over time. Notes can be written on the side of the photographs. Images of Llanelli
These flats were built in the early 1960's. How many people do you think live here? Are there any flats like these in your locality.
This is a post office building where mail is sorted. It was built during the 1960's. What do you think the building style was like during this time?
This is a leisure complex built during the 1960's with an extension on the right built during the 1980's.
This is a 1970's extension to the library. Notice the old building. Compare this to the extension. Do you think the two parts of the building blend together?
These are terraced houses built during the 1960's. They were called link houses and were designed to look modern. How to they compare with older terraced houses?
This building was built during the late 1960's. What building materials were used?
These are semi detached bungalows built in the 1970's. What materials were used?
This building was regarded as ultra modern during the 1970's. It is now regarded as one of the ugliest building in Wales. What do you think?
This office block was built in the early 1970's. Describe this building. Why do you think there are so many windows?
These offices were built in the late 1980's. Describe this building. Compare this with the previous photograph.
These flats were built in the 1980's. What materials were used? Make a list. How many people do you think live here?
Many buildings today were built in the last part of the 20th century. Can you spot these buildings near your area. If so take photographs. Compare these buildings with the older buildings of the 20th century.