Example Visualization Techniques CS 4390/5390 Fall 2014 Shirley Moore svmoore.pbworks.com August 27, 2014
From Visualization Zoo Article Index chart Stacked graph Small multiples Horizon graphs Stem and leaf plots Q-Q plots Scatter plot matrix Parallel coordinates Flow maps Choropleth maps Graduated symbol maps Cartograms Node-link diagrams Icicle tree Sunburst Treemap Nested cirlces Force-directed graph layout Arc diagram Matrix
Some Examples Alcohol consumption worldwide Star sizes Movie genres Subprime loans
Graph Visualization Co-occurrences of names in the New Testament Co-occurrences of names in the New Testament Facebook connections (see next slide) Gephi Open Graph Visualization Platform Gephi
Facebook Network
Treemap Displays hierarchical tree-structured data as a set of nested rectangles Recursive construction invented by Ben Shniederman in early 1990s Examples: – Voting in 2012 US Presidential election – Top 500 Supercomputers – Map of the Market
2012 Presidential Election
Top 500 Country Count Image by Jack Dongarra
Map of the Market Developed my Martin Waltenburg in 1998 at SmartMoney.com Area of a rectangle shows market capitalization of the company Color tells how the stock price has changed Introduced a new algorithm to create tiles closer to squares
Radial Convergence Diagrams (RCDs)
ManyEyes Experimental website by IBM for – viewing and discussing data sets – viewing and discussing visualizations – creating visualizations using a collection of visualizaiton techniques Now you try it! – Dataset: Internet Users Per 100 People – www- 958.ibm.com/software/analytics/manyeyes/datasets/i nternet-usage-worldwide-per-100-p/versions/1 www- 958.ibm.com/software/analytics/manyeyes/datasets/i nternet-usage-worldwide-per-100-p/versions/1