CSD 14 Partnerships in Practice Interactive Discussion 5 th May 2006 The EU Energy Initiative for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development René Karottki European Commission Directorate General for Development
5th May 2006CSD 14 Partnership Fair2 EU Energy Initiative Was launched at World Summit for Sustainable Development (WSSD) 2002 in as a joint initiative between EU Member States and the Commission Aims to contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through the provision of adequate, affordable and sustainable energy services to the poor Intends to create better synergy, to attract political attention, and to attract new resources to energy and poverty actions Is implemented in dialogue with and through ownership by participating developing countries
5th May 2006CSD 14 Partnership Fair3 Dialogue with Developing Countries Dialogue, so far mainly with Africa, Pacific an Caribbean (ACP) has strengthened co-ownership Nairobi meeting 2003 with 40 Africa countries, adopting the Nairobi recommendations requesting EUEI to focus on rural electrification, household energy, and the related policy development and capacity building Regional policy dialogue events Ouagadougou, Maputo and Brazzaville , where cross-sectoral country teams translated the Nairobi recommendations to the national level, and started a national follow-up process Country level dialogue facilitated by Member States and PDF, also outside ACP Dialogue with AU/NEPAD and FEMA
5th May 2006CSD 14 Partnership Fair4 Specific instruments and actions EC funded ACP-EC Energy Facility, 220 M Euro from 9 th EDF, will be operational from June 2006, mainly through call for proposals. Open to all ACP countries. Funds to be committed before end Focus on delivery of energy services to rural areas and on governance. MS funded EUEI PDF supports policy and strategy development, now in app. 11 African countries EC funded COOPENER supports at present projects in 35 African and 4 Latin American countries, focus on building capacity in energy efficiency and renewable energy. 3 rd call also includes poor countries in Asia. MS funded regional EUEI partnership projects, such as Central America (5 countries and the Pacific (14 countries) EC funded EUEI projects with regional organizations in in Caribbean, Pacific, West Africa and Southern Africa
5th May 2006CSD 14 Partnership Fair5 Looking forward Two key EU documents adopted December 2005: The European Consensus on Development, approved jointly by Member States, the European Parliament and the Commission. A common vision of values, objectives, principles and means for development. Identifies water and energy among 9 areas for Community action. Focuses on access to energy services. Will influence the programming of the 10 th European Development Fund The EU strategy for Africa that takes a global look at future Africa-Europe cooperation. Includes a partnership for infrastructure that will focus on regional cooperation, interconnections and trade to improve access to water, sanitation, energy and ICTs
5th May 2006CSD 14 Partnership Fair6 Financial background: increasing ODA The priorities on energy and infrastructure are backed by EU collective targets on ODA: Increase ODA up to 0.56% of EU GNI by 2010 Half of the additional 20 BN Euro will be going to Africa ODA will reach 0.7% of GNI by 2015 for the 15 old Member States, and 0.33% for new Member States
5th May 2006CSD 14 Partnership Fair7 Key issues Maintain focus on delivery of better energy services Ownership and participation in implementation by developing country stakeholders is equally important Local authorities and communities are key stakeholders for projects delivering energy services Public – private partnerships are crucial for delivery of energy services to poor areas Governance, management and stimulating frameworks are necessary Attention to the benefits of regional cooperation