Digital Strategies for Health Communication: Introduction, Goals, and SWOT Lisa Gualtieri, PhD, ScM, Course Director Tufts University School of Medicine July 16,
Why Tufts Summer Institute on Digital Strategies for Health Communication? Many healthcare and public health organizations who are trying to reach healthcare consumers have these questions: – “Our website hasn’t been touched in 3 years” – “What exactly is Google+ and how do we use it?” – “Should we set up a weekly twitter chat?” – “Do we need an app?” – “Are we reaching our target audiences as best we can?” 2
Sue Gallagher, MPH 3
Agenda for July 16 9:00 Welcome from Sue Gallagher, MPH, Program Director, Masters of Science in Health Communication Program, Tufts University School of Medicine 9:30 Introductions 10:00 Project teams 10:15 Break in CE Classroom 10:30 Stacey Thalken and Jessica Burke: CDC's current digital strategy 12:30 Lunch: served in classroom (box lunches) 1:00 Lisa Gualtieri: Overview of digital strategy, goals, & SWOT analysis 2:00 Teams: SWOT analysis for CDC 3:15 Break: with food and drinks in Conference Room :30 Teams present SWOT analyses 4:30 Welcome from Aviva Must, PhD, Dean, Public Health and Professional Degree Programs, Tufts University School of Medicine 5:00 Evaluations and social media survey 4
Introductions Participants 1.Analicia Villanueva 2.Barbara Wasson 3.Claire Kamoun 4.Clancey Bateman 5.Danielle Kugel 6.Devon Punch 7.Jasmine Hunt 8.John Gauthier 9.Kristen Sullivan 10.Laurel Leslie 11.Linda Lambert 12.Lynda Mitchell 13.Maddy Black 14.Maryann Boyle 15.Meghan Johnson 16.Meredith Waudby 17.Mio Tamanaha 18.Stephanie Synoracki 19.Suzanne Hill 20.Tod Hoffman 21.Viviana Finestraella Case Study Facilitators: Stacey Thalken and Jessica Burke TA: Gillian Javetski Course Director: Lisa Gualtieri Teams 1.Analicia, Barbara, John, Jasmine, Mio 2.Danielle, Lynda, Kristen, Clancey 3.Devon, Laurel, Viviana, Maddy 4.Linda, Stephanie, Suzanne, Meghan 5.Meredith, Tod, Claire, Maryann 5
Innovations in Education Grant: Integration of Social Media into Courses at TUSM This project investigates: – how to integrate social media into courses at Tufts University School of Medicine – advantages to students, faculty, administration, alumni, and others of this integration – training necessary to educate faculty about how to use social media as part of their teaching
Strategy Vision: outlines what the organization wants to be and how it wants to be perceived Mission: defines the organization’s purpose and how it will achieve its vision Values: beliefs that are shared in the organization Strategy: goals and a plan of action to achieve them – What happens when you don’t have – or use – a strategy? 7
Digital strategy Encompasses use of web, social media, & mobile to reach healthcare consumers where they are Start with mission and existing strategy Develop new one in alignment with organizational values, goals, vision, and mission Modified by constraints Competitive analysis Personas SWOT Goals Technology Content Design Evaluation New digital strategy Existing digital strategy 8
Mission statement The Mission of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA)–Angell Animal Medical Center is to – protect animals, – relieve their suffering, – advance their health and welfare, – prevent cruelty and – work for a just and compassionate society. 9
Ask strategic questions to develop meaningful goals in support of mission Who do we want to reach? Which products and services can we offer? Will they be integrated, and, if so, how? How will content be created or obtained? Should we charge or seek sponsors or ads? Is the commitment short- or long-term? Who do you ask? 10
Candidate goals for digital strategy generally focus on better, faster, or more Acquire new audiences Retain current audience Increase loyalty/page views/followers/etc. Increase word-of-mouth and viral promotions Improve branding and awareness Reduce content creation costs Decrease content creation time Respond rapidly to crises Increase healthy behaviors 11
Brainstorm to develop creative and perhaps unusual goals Henry Ford: “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said ‘faster horses.’” Example from Lowell General Hospital 12
Merrimack Valley Moms 14
Identify internal and external constraints and consider how to address Organization – Alignment with mission – Leadership – Budget – Technological knowledge – Fear Target audiences – Technological knowledge and platforms – Health literacy skills – Time – Health conditions 15
Evaluate and prioritize goals Are goals realistic and achievable? How will we measure success? What else do we need to know? Prioritize goals based on potential impact and ease of implementing 16
Summary: Goals Start with mission Ask strategic questions Develop candidate goals Brainstorm and be creative Consider realistic constraints Evaluate and prioritize goals 17
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats SWOT A digital strategy needs to maximize the potential of the strengths and opportunities while minimizing the impact of the weaknesses and threats 18
Course project Course project is developing a new digital strategy for CDC in teams Stacey and Jessica presented current mission, digital strategy, and goals Teams will develop and present a revised set of goals and conduct a SWOT analysis – Consider preparing a few PowerPoint slides 19
Teams 1.Analicia, Barbara, John, Jasmine, Mio 2.Danielle, Lynda, Kristen, Clancey 3.Devon, Laurel, Viviana, Maddy 4.Linda, Stephanie, Suzanne, Meghan 5.Meredith, Tod, Claire, Maryann 20
Aviva Must, PhD 21