Tomorrow, Today Helping Business Respond To An Ageing Society Copenhagen 3 April 2013
What do we know of Suffolk? Population of 728, % of people aged over 65 73% of population in employment 70% of people say they feel healthy Life expectancy is in top ten for UK One in ten have no qualifications
How is the Health of Suffolk?
One in six adults binge drinks Three die each day from smoking related illness One in six experience a mental health problem Sixty percent do not eat enough fruit and vegetables Less than half do the recommended amount of daily exercise.
Society is changing. People are living longer than ever before. Twenty two percent of the population are over sixty. By 2050 this group will have increased to thirty four percent. Population
By 2030 there will be more people aged over sixty than those aged under fifteen. Over 60’s Under 15’s In the future our workers will be older.
What are we doing ? Public health outcomes framework Suffolk County Council Mission statement Most Active County Ageing Well in Suffolk
What is the Business Case? Illness & disability increase with age £840 is the average cost of absence per employee 29 % of employers are already experiencing a rising average age of employee Employers report a 15% reduction in sickness absence following introduction of health manager
individuals identify and reduce health risks through better lifestyle choices
enables employers to better understand and improve workplace health and wellbeing
visit the website and complete your questionnaire set health goals you want to achieve tailored healthy living advice helps people lead a healthy life Instant personal health report It’s simple
How do we get to tomorrow, today? What we can do What we will need employers to do It’s never too late to start getting healthy
It’s Free
What will we do next? develop regional partnerships present academic research apply for future funding share project successes with European Union
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