Safety Jerry Levine Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory NSTX Upgrade Project Office of Science Review LSB B318 May 2 - 3, 2012 NSTX-U Supported by Culham Sci Ctr York U Chubu U Fukui U Hiroshima U Hyogo U Kyoto U Kyushu U Kyushu Tokai U NIFS Niigata U U Tokyo JAEA Inst for Nucl Res, Kiev Ioffe Inst TRINITI Chonbuk Natl U NFRI KAIST POSTECH Seoul Natl U ASIPP CIEMAT FOM Inst DIFFER ENEA, Frascati CEA, Cadarache IPP, Jülich IPP, Garching ASCR, Czech Rep Coll of Wm & Mary Columbia U CompX General Atomics FIU INL Johns Hopkins U LANL LLNL Lodestar MIT Lehigh U Nova Photonics Old Dominion ORNL PPPL Princeton U Purdue U SNL Think Tank, Inc. UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA UCSD U Colorado U Illinois U Maryland U Rochester U Tennessee U Tulsa U Washington U Wisconsin X Science LLC
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – May 2 nd – 3 rd Construction Safety Are construction efforts being executed safely?
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – May 2 nd – 3 rd Ongoing Safety Efforts ES&H subject matter experts are assigned to provide support and oversight to NSTX-U. –Health Physics (HP) Coordinator (P. Bruno) –Health Physics (HP) Representative (HP technician) –Industrial Hygiene (IH) Representative (W. Slavin) –Construction Safety Representative (N. Gerrish) Additional oversight/support provided by IH and Electrical Safety professionals.
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – May 2 nd – 3 rd Ongoing Safety Efforts Participate in plan-of-the day (8:00 AM) meetings (as does ESH&S Department Head). Participate in pre-job briefings where the Job Hazard Analyses (JHA’s) and Radiation Work Permits (RWPs) are reviewed by workers. Do regular field walkdowns to assess safety of ongoing work & engage workers and supervisors as needed. Provide guidance on specific safety issues, e.g., ergonomics, ventilation of soldering gases, monitoring of potential activation product intake (whole body scans for grinding & welding), noise mitigation, fall protection, etc. Supervisors conduct STOP observations to engage workers and encourage safe behaviors. Safety & Health Physics professionals:
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – May 2 nd – 3 rd Ongoing Safety Efforts NSTX-U safety record has been excellent. - No recordable injuries or illnesses to date. -No significant radiological exposures or uptakes. Serious skidsteer accident in March is being extensively evaluated for root causes and extent of conditions. Although event did not involve NSTX-U workers or equipment, lessons are being applied Lab-wide. Some equipment used on Upgrade work was taken out of service for a short period to ensure its safety.
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – May 2 nd – 3 rd Summary Trained, experienced and engaged workers and supervisors using well-developed work planning & control processes, combined with support and oversight of ES&H professionals are assuring that NSTX-U construction is being executed safely. Lessons learned from skidsteer accident will be applied to NSTX-U activities.