Spelling Today we are going to practice our spelling words. Next
Directions Pick the correctly spelt word from the list to complete the sentence. Begin!
Question 1: I will go to the _____. A.ParkPark B.ParkeParke C.ParckParck D.PorkPork
CORRECT!!!! You may move to question #2.
Incorrect. Please Try again.Please Try again Parke is a type of coat that we wear in the winter.
Incorrect. Please try again.Please try again Parck is not a word.
Incorrect. Please try again.Please try again Pork is a type of meat that we get from pigs.
Question 2: I like to go_____. A.SwimingSwiming B.SwimmingSwimming C.SwimminSwimmin D.SwiminSwimin
CORRECT!!!! You may move to question #3.
Incorrect. Please try again.Please try again You are missing a letter.
Incorrect. Please try again.Please try again There is no “g” at the end of the word.
Incorrect. Please try again.Please try again Swimin is not a word.
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