FF-PBS Homework Learning to Use ABC Forms 1/10/2016WV Autism Training Center1
When to Use ABC Forms: In tracking behavior, the first step is to obtain the baseline information. Once you have more information about the occurrence of the behavior, it is easier to determine how to go about identifying the situations around the behavior including the antecedents and consequences (or ABCs). ABC Forms help collect this information. Please note: Occasionally, for infrequent behaviors, you may begin collecting baseline with an ABC form by collecting info about all incidents. 1/10/2016West Virginia Autism Training Center2
What is the Purpose of ABC Forms? When collecting information about antecedents, behaviors, and consequences: It is important to provide as much information and detail as possible. Tracking behavior should also be relatively easy to do. ABC forms have been designed to serve both purposes. Choose or develop forms to best fit your circumstances. 1/10/2016West Virginia Autism Training Center3
1/10/2016WV Autism Training Center4 DATE/ TIME LOCATIONWHAT HAPPENED BEFORE THE BEHAVIOR? WHAT WAS THE BEHAVIOR? WHAT HAPPENED DURING/AFTER THE BEHAVIOR? Remember to put time of day w/ AM or PM 12:50 PM Be specific; Instead of ‘store’ write exactly what store and where: Wal-Mart, pet food section What was child doing, what was said to them & by whom, what was going on around them at the time, etc. Sometimes people can be triggers too so list others in the area. Store was crowded; an announcement was made; We went to look for dog food Remember, be specific: Kicked my legs, punched brother in the face, dropped to floor flailing arms and legs while screaming This doesn’t have to be a discipline tactic. What ever was done because of the behavior should be written here: Gave him the candy and he stopped screaming, picked him up and put him in the buggy; he ate candy, we left and he calmed down Antecedent Behavior Consequence How to Complete Narrative ABC Forms:
1/10/2016West Virginia Autism Training Center5 This form requires a little practice to use but can greatly simplify collecting ABC data on multiple behaviors You can do it! How to Complete the Revised Functional Assessment Observation Form
Practice You will read a series of vignettes and collect data on the Revised Functional Assessment Observation Form. Please read the instructions on the following slide and print the form from the next slide before continuing with the rest of the slides 1/10/2016West Virginia Autism Training Center6
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1/10/2016West Virginia Autism Training Center9 Vignette 1 On 4/25 at 10:00 am, Tony was in P.E. The P.E. class was working on fast-paced basketball drills. Tony suddenly covered his ears, started screaming and kicked another student. Tony’s P.E. teacher came over, told him that if he was going to act like that he couldn’t continue to play basketball. The P.E. teacher sent him to the locker room to change. Complete the form and compare your responses to the ones on the following slide.
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1/10/2016West Virginia Autism Training Center11 Vignette 2 On 4/25 at 10:45 am, Tony was in language arts class. Tony was asked to write a paragraph on a fictional character of his choice. Tony began screaming and ripped up his paper. Tony’s teacher told him to stop screaming and helped him with the assignment. Complete the form and compare your responses to the ones on the following slide.
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1/10/2016West Virginia Autism Training Center13 Vignette 3 On 4/25 at 10:48 a.m., Tony’s language arts teacher was helping him with his writing assignment. Tony began screaming. Tony’s teacher told him to stop or he’d go to the office. Tony stopped briefly, began his work and then screamed and kicked his teacher. His teacher told him she’d had enough and sent him to the office. Complete the form and compare your responses to the ones on the following slide.
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1/10/2016West Virginia Autism Training Center15 Vignette 4 On 4/26 at 9:45 a.m., Tony was dressing for P.E. A peer commented on his shoes and Tony suddenly dashed out of the locker room screaming. He ran toward the P.E. teacher who told him to take a seat on the bleachers to calm down. Once the other students started playing basketball, the P.E. teacher sent Tony into the dressing room to change back into his street clothes. Complete the form and compare your responses to the ones on the following slide.
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1/10/2016West Virginia Autism Training Center17 Vignette 5 Complete the form and compare your responses to the ones on the following slide. On 4/26 at 12:30 p.m., Tony was in the cafeteria. A peer commented on what he was eating for lunch. Tony got up from the table, covered his ears and left the cafeteria screaming. The students in the cafeteria became quiet and watched him leave. A teacher talked to Tony as she escorted him to the office to calm down.
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Congratulations! You have completed the practice exercises! Take your completed data form to the next team meeting to show your PBS trainer. If you have further questions or need assistance, please contact your PBS Trainer. 1/10/201619West Virginia Autism Training Center