Worms, Worms, WORMS! Mrs. Howard’s Life Science
Worms, Worms, WORMS! Roundworms Flatworms Segmented worms Worm Lab Activity Mrs. Howard’s Life Science
Overview on Worms All worms have the following in common: They are invertebrates They all have long, narrow bodies without legs Have tissues, organs, and organ systems Bilateral symmetry Unlike sponges or cnidarians, worms have distinct head and tail ends.
Worms! Worms can regenerate! Segmented worms - if broken, head will regenerate a tail Flatworms if cut down the middle, will regenerate into 2 new worms
Roundworms Phylum Nematoda Protection - mouthparts Food - free-living & parasitic Habitat - everywhere Locomotion - muscle contractions Examples - Pinworms,Hookworms, Heartworms, Trichinella
Roundworms Phylum Nematoda Special Characteristics Digestive System Nervous system Brain & CNS About 1/2 are parasitic
Flatworms Phylum Platyhelminthes Protection - mouthparts Food - most are parasitic & live off animals Habitat - water & land Locomotion - muscle contractions Examples - Planarian, Fluke, Tapeworm Planarian
Flatworms Phylum Platyhelminthes Special Characteristics Brain and CNS Mouth only (no anus)
Segmented Worms Phylum Annelida Protection - they burrow and wedge inside hole Food - Earthworms - organic matter in soil Leeches- Blood of host Habitat - Earthworms - moist soil Leeches-Water and moist environments
Segmented Worms Phylum Annelida Movement - Muscle contractions Special Characteristics Brain and CNS Most are free-living (except leeches) Mouth & anus No heart but have circulatory system Above should read “breathe through their skin”
Why do earthworms come to the surface when it rains? Bill Nye will answer: QY4
One final type of worm: There is one final type of worm, I forgot to mention: THE GUMMY WORM! CHARACTERISTICS Colorful Stretchy Delicious :)
Gummy Worm Lab We are going to be observing the property of elasticity in a gummy worm. Using the Scientific Method we will determine how far a gummy worm can stretch and still retain its shape.
Gummy Worm Lab THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD Question or Problem: What is it we are trying to determine? Hypothesis: Make an Educated Guess on what you think is going to happen? Experiment: Test your Hypothesis
Gummy Worm Lab Observations: Make careful observations and record what happens Analysis: Use your experiment or research to draw conclusions. Was your hypothesis correct? Results: Present your results by providing a summary of your experiment, hypothesis and conclusions.
Gummy Worm Lab Specific Instructions are found on the lab handout - have fun!