Rat Dissection WARNING: STAY FOCUSED IN THIS LAB You lose points when you are not working!
Title, Labeling You will have your name and period in the upper left hand corner. The title of your lab will be in the center of your sheet and it will be underlined.
Objective: (20 points) Objective: Learn the anatomy of a mammal through a rat dissection. Material needs: (5 points) Scalpel T Pins etc…
Procedures (40 points) FOR THIS LAB YOU NEED 15 to 20 PROCEDURES!!!! 1) I Gathered materials and read instructions. 2)….. FOR THIS LAB YOU NEED 15 to 20 PROCEDURES!!!!
Observations – 170 points Questions: Answer them in complete sentences out of the lab manual. Find the functions (what they do not where they are) of all terms on your observation sheet. Drawings (best of your ability) finished and labeled correctly.
Uncertainties (50 points) This is what could have gone wrong with your experiment and how it would affect your end results.. You will need to have 5!
Conclusion: (150 points) Explain the circulatory, respiratory, digestive and nervous system of the rat.
Lab Format Neatness counts on the lab and drawings. Spelling and punctuation count as well. You need to type the actual lab write up.
Participation Cell phone usage: Inappropriate use of cell phone (Facebook, texting, etc) will result in a 20 point loss of lab points each time it is documented. Make sure you ask permission to use your phone. Off task – You will not only be graded by your partners on participation, but also by me. Each time you are off task you loss one point off your lab.
What you may and may not share…. You may share term functions. You may have the same objective, and materials. You MAY NOT have the same uncertainties, procedures and conclusion.