Neural Mechanisms of Behavior ZOL 313, May 20 2008
Neural Mechanisms of Behavior Objectives: Understand how neurons and simple neural networks function to influence animal behaviors. 2. Identify examples of stimulus filtering and be able to explain why it is biologically important. 3. Become familiar with some of the proximate mechanisms underlying animal navigation. ZOL 313, May 20 2008
Neurons Caenorhabditis elegans (worm): 302 Fruit fly: 300,000 Humans: 100,000,000,000
Neural Networks
Neural network example: moth detection of bat ultrasound
Example: Sea slug escape behavior Central Pattern Generators Example: Sea slug escape behavior
Auditory SF Example Cricket auditory receptors Stimulus filtering Auditory SF Example Cricket auditory receptors
Tactile stimulus filtering example: Cortical magnification in the star-nosed mole (Eimer’s organ)
Cortical magnification continued: sensory analysis
Visual stimulus filtering example: UV vision in birds & insects Experiment:
Neural network location and function in humans Face recognition: posterior fusiform gyrus Navigation: right hippocampus
Neural mechanisms of navigation in animals In order to know where to go, animal brains need: 1. 2. Examples of cues animals can use:
Example: How do homing pigeons know where to go? Experiment 1: Experiment 2:
Example: how do sea turtles know where to go? Experiment: