Perspectivesfrom Non-Formal Environmental Education
Environmental Education is education that seeks to develop a population that has the knowledge, skills, values, and motivation to solve environmental problems and work for sustainable development
Major Issues Solid Waste Disposal - Solid Waste Disposal - Air Pollution - Water Pollution - Toxic substances and - Hazardous Waste Disposal - Deforestation - Wildlife Depletion - Soil Erosion - Mangrove/Coral Reef Deforestation - Indiscriminate Conversion of Prime-Agricultural of Prime-Agricultural - Lands into Non-Agricultural Uses
UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development Themes: - Overcoming Poverty - Gender Equality - Health Promotion - Environmental Conservation and Protection and Protection - Rural Transformation
- Human Rights - Intercultural Understanding and Peace and Peace - Sustainable Production - Cultural Diversity - Information and Communication Technologies Technologies
Environmental Education (EE) Programs -Institutional Development -Curriculum and Material Development -Research and Development -Training -Information, Education, Communication -And Social Advocacy -Scholarship -Upgrading of Facilities and Equipment -Policy Development and Reforms
1.Need for systematic, deliberate program to cover all targeted clientele Models: -SWARMPLAN -CEAP for EE Integration -PATLEPAM for EID
2.Database of agencies/ institutions on environment and EE
3.EMB can focus on non- formal EE while Dep-Ed should have an office/section for EE
4. EMB’s materials should be systematically distributed
4.More education for sustainable development
5.More EE for educators
6.EE for leaders of society, decision-makers
7.More EE for Grassroots communities with focus on CBRM