HYPERTENSION Recommendations include: reduce body fat, limit alcohol, increase activity to min most days of week, reduce sodium, and maintain potassium, calcium and magnesium, stop smoking and low dietary fat. Mass testing of this population not recommended
HYPERTENSION AND EXERCISE PRESCRIPTION Recommendations are the same as for the low risk pop, just at lower intensities Resistance training is not recommended with the exception of circuit training
PVD-results from aterial stenosis, Raynaud’s Syndrome and Buerger Disease. Results can be claudication, especially in the calf and buttock region and radiate down the leg May need multiple stage protocol using scale for rating of pain Weight bearing are preferred because improvement in exercise tolerance may unmask ischemia
DIABETES--TYPE I OR TYPE II Blood sugar must be measured before, during and after exercise Avoid exercise during peak insulin activity Unplanned exercise needs to be preceded by extra CHO grams per 30 mins If exercise is planned then insulin must be decreased according to intensity During exercise CHO must be eaten, followed by post exercise snack
DIABETES Should be done daily in keeping with a schedule Type 2 should address maximum caloric expenditure Know signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia Always workout with a partner Proper footwear and hygiene Recognize problems with heat and issues with retinopathy
OBESITY Use low impact activities with initial emphasis on duration Strength training will be helpful Involve in activities where there is lowest risk of injury, greatest amount of enjoyment, with the great chance of compliance accompanied by caloric expenditures