Exploring Equations By: Marysol Rojas
Unit Summary Students will get the opportunity to and learn the difference of the conic graphs. They will work in groups and select a topic. The topics will be: parabola, circle, ellipse, or Hyperbola. There job is to teach the class and I their topic and the standard equation of their topic. This will help the child learn many 21 st century skills as well as new ways of learning. They will have fun while learning.
Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question: Why is math important in the real world? Unit Questions: Why should we learn to graph?How are graphs used in real life? Content Questions: What are the most common graphs in math? What is the difference between a parabola, circle, ellipse, and hyperbola?
Unit Target Standards 8.0 Students solve and graph quadratic equations 9.0 Students demonstrate and explain the effect that changing a coefficient has on the graph of quadratic functions; that is, students can determine how the graph of a parabola changes as a, b, and c vary in the equation y = a(x-b) 2 + c 17.0 Given a quadratic equation of the form ax 2 + by 2 + cx + dy + e = 0, students can use the method for completing the square to put the equation into standard form and can recognize whether the graph of the equation is a circle, ellipse, parabola, or hyperbola. Students can then graph the equation. 8.0 Students solve and graph quadratic equations 9.0 Students demonstrate and explain the effect that changing a coefficient has on the graph of quadratic functions; that is, students can determine how the graph of a parabola changes as a, b, and c vary in the equation y = a(x-b) 2 + c 17.0 Given a quadratic equation of the form ax 2 + by 2 + cx + dy + e = 0, students can use the method for completing the square to put the equation into standard form and can recognize whether the graph of the equation is a circle, ellipse, parabola, or hyperbola. Students can then graph the equation.
Learning Objectives During the unit my students will: o Understand how important learning math is. o Learn new ways of working together and in a group. o Understand how to use quadratic formulas o Understand the difference between a Circle, Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola. During the unit I will: o Introduce new methods for my student to work together and understand the conic section a little more. During the unit my students will: o Understand how important learning math is. o Learn new ways of working together and in a group. o Understand how to use quadratic formulas o Understand the difference between a Circle, Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola. During the unit I will: o Introduce new methods for my student to work together and understand the conic section a little more.
Project-Based Learning I will use project-based learning as much as I can. It is a great new way for students to learn rather than just sitting down and listening to me. I will give my students the opportunity to put themselves in my position and learn to be creative themselves. They will learn to be responsible and work along with other students. They will learn while having fun.
Gauging Student Needs K-W-H-L chart The students have a chance to write down what they know about graphs, what they want to know, how they will get an answer to their questions and at the end what they learned. The chart will be giving at the beginning before the project. Rubric Once the project is done they groups will present their assignment and I will grade them depending on the rubric that was made out for the project. The student will be given the rubric the day the project is explained.
Thank you!!!!