BREAKING NEWS “Ebay Had 145 Million Personal Record’s Stolen in a Data Breach” “Target Credit Card Breach Affects 110 Million Americans” “Court Ventures Accidentally Loses 200 Million Personal Records”
From a Breached Credit Card to a Stolen Identity Company Information Security Reza Ameli Independent Research Eric Forte APL/UMBC
Presentation-Overview I will… Explain a data breach Explain the effects of a data breach Present company flaws in protecting consumer information Present consumer flaws in protecting their information Explain what can be done to protect oneself from a data breach
What is a data breach? Literally means to “get into” someone's data Occurs because of flaw in defense Information is copied or stolen
Effects of a Data Breach Causes major problems for consumers Information can be used years after attack occurs Affects consumers trust in a company
Why Companies Get Breached Companies can get breached for many reasons – Not realizing the importance of defending information – Not hiring a cybersecurity director, Target – Losing cybersecurity staff to other companies, JPMorgan Chase – Not getting defense systems because the cost is too great
Consumer Issues in Defending Information One major consumer problem is awareness “I am aware of the recent credit card breaches at Target and Home Depot.”
Another issue with consumers is responsibility “I feel it is the credit card company’s job to defend my private/credit card information.”
What Can You Do? Become educated about data breaches Defend yourself if companies cannot – Change you passwords for credit card accounts regularly – Don’t use the same password for everything – Check you credit card bill, especially after a data breach
Final Product A movie – Help educate young people entering the world of credit cards – Shown in several classes throughout the school – Help to raise awareness of this rising problem
This is Not a Call to Panic This is a Call to Action We are the generation that will have to deal with this issue Do not have to be the most secure person in the world Hackers target the least defended
Works Cited Center for Strategic and International Studies. “The Economic Impact of Cybercrime and Cyberespionage.” July, PDF File. Donohue, Brian. "Cyberattacks Most Imminent Threat to U.S., Economy." Threat Post. Kaspersky Labs, 28 Oct Web. 1 Dec Douglas, Danielle, and Craig Timberg. "Target Breach Could Represent Leading Edge of Wave of Serious Cybercrime." The Washington Post. Washington Post, 9 Feb Web. 7 Oct Gillils. "From Thin Air – Security in Complex Systems." MIT Geospatial Data Center. MIT, 21 Nov Web. 18 Sept Peterson, Andrea, and Craig Timberg. "Stop Worrying about Mastermind Hackers. Start Worrying about the IT Guy." Washington Post [Washington D.C.] 17 Oct. 2014: n. pag. The Washington Post. Web. 19 Oct Robertson, Jordan. "Internet Security." Bloomberg Quicktake. Bloomberg L.P., 28 Aug Web. 8 Dec Roman, Jeffrey. "Chase Ramps Up Security: Is It Enough?" Bank Info Security. Information Security Media Group, 15 Apr Web. 12 Jan Silver-Greenberg, Jessica, Matthew Goldstein, and Nicole Perlroth. "JPMorgan Chase Hacking Affects 76 Million Households." New York Times [New York] 2 Oct. 2014: n. pag. The New York Times. Web. 4 Dec "Target Names Brad Maiorino Senior Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer." Target. Target Brands, 10 June Web. 12 Jan United States. Department of Defense. Defending a New Domain. Washington: GPO. US Department of Defense Web. 2 Oct Vaas, Lisa. "Target CIO Beth Jacob Resigns in Breach Aftermath." Naked Security 6 Mar. 2014: n. pag. Naked Security. Web. 12 Jan