Impacts of Manufacturing Debates
Goal Objective: You will research the impacts of technology and present the information in a formal cross- examination debate settings.
Why are we debating??? Technology and Society Standard 4: Students will develop an understanding of the cultural, social, economic, and political effects of technology. Standard 5: Students will develop an understanding of the effects of technology on the environment. Standard 6: Students will develop an understanding of the role of society in the development and use of technology. Standard 7: Students will develop an understanding of the influence of technology on history.
Why are we debating??? Abilities for a Technological World Standard 13: Students will develop abilities to assess the impact of products and systems. The Designed World Standard 17: Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use information and communication technologies.
Why are we debating??? #1 So you will learn to research and think logically. #2 You are the future!! (The ones who will make decisions for me when I’m old…) #3 You are going to enjoy it!
So what is required of us? A portfolio of materials –The following items must be printed and bound… Cover page Pro-con sheet Opening Statement PowerPoint Presentation Summary of the topic Questions Closing Statement Resources Presentation
Portfolio: Cover Page Title, including your position Names of both team members Class/Semester/Period Graphic
Portfolio: Pro-Con Sheet Worksheet located in the distribution folder. position statementWrite a position statement for your topic List 10 pros/cons for the topic. Use your own words – no plagiarism!
Portfolio: Opening Statement Should be similar to an introductory paragraph of a 5 paragraph essay. May be written using first person. Must be typed using a conservative font. No greater than 14 point font Should be between 1-2 minutes when presented
Portfolio: PowerPoint Presentation Minimum of 20 slides (with no “THE END”) Include appropriate and relevant pictures and graphics Information should be in your own words and not copied and pasted Include Facts, Statistics, Anecdotal Information, and Evidence Must be 6-10 minutes when presented Will be printed 6 slides per page
Portfolio: Summary of Topic An essay about the topic Use information from your PowerPoint. Typed, double-spaced, using a conservative font no greater than 14 point Between 1-2 pages
Portfolio: Page of Questions 10 Questions that you could ask the opposing group 10 Questions that the opposing group might ask you Typed, double-spaced, using a conservative font no greater than 14 point
Portfolio: Page of Questions An essay about the topic Use information from your PowerPoint. Typed, double-spaced, using a conservative font no greater than 14 point Between 1-2 pages
Portfolio: References Use at least 5 different resources Follow MLA style formatting Remember to document pictures and graphs used as well as information Typed, double-spaced, using a conservative font no greater than 14 point
Portfolio: Closing Statement Should be similar to the conclusion paragraph essay. May be written using first person. Must be typed using a conservative font. No greater than 14 point font Should be between 1-2 minutes when presented
Physical Layout Projector Screen Table for Affirmative Table for Opposition Podium Audience
The Debate Process Opening Statement by affirmative (2 minutes maximum) Opening Statement by opposition (2 minutes maximum) Argument by affirmative (6-10 minutes) Cross examination of affirmative (5 minutes maximum) Argument by opposition (6-10 minutes) Cross examination of opposition (5 minutes maximum) Closing statement by opposition (2 minutes maximum) Closing statement by affirmative (2 minutes maximum)
Suggested topics Do technological advances result in higher unemployment?Do technological advances result in higher unemployment? Should the US invest more research in Solar Manufacturing?Should the US invest more research in Solar Manufacturing? Does U.S. immigration policy harm domestic workers?Does U.S. immigration policy harm domestic workers? Is recycling materials efficient?Is recycling materials efficient? Are Americans overworked?Are Americans overworked? Does the anti-sweatshop movement help or harm workers in low-wage economies?Does the anti-sweatshop movement help or harm workers in low-wage economies? Should anti-pollution standards be strengthened?Should anti-pollution standards be strengthened?
Researching Information