Update on some microinsurance developments The MIA’s perspective Ralf Radermacher, Rajkamal Mukherjee UNDP Solution Exchange Resource Group Meeting 2 November 2010
Micro Insurance Academy The Micro Insurance Academy is a not for profit technical service provider MIA’s focus is on community empowerment and risk management Motto “Helping communities manage risks from the ground up” MIA focuses on those risks which have high information needs or high empathy factor
Who is MIA?
Update on MIA’s work In 2011, MIA will be supporting 10+ microinsurance implementations All apply different processes and products Differences in delivery and servicing Health, life, livestock Combo-products All put a lot of emphasis on community participation and Insurance Education
Spot-light: Insurance Education Multi-level approach: Train the ground staff (and management) Inform potential members on value proposition of insurance Inform members on claim process Tools include games, role play, songs, and even a Bollywood movie Education Service Provider of the Year “… the front runner in microinsurance education…” Asia Insurance Industry Awards 2010
Bollywood movie on MI
MIA’s future directions Strengthen learning from ongoing implementation experience, helping to improve our tools for the sector Extending partnerships for large scale roll-out Experiment new approaches (e.g. better (value for clients) combinations of saving-credit- insurance; index linkages; stronger inclusion of non-fin. risk management, …) We are grateful for support for above directions
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