FX3: Cypress USB 3.0 Solution for HD Video Sharper Images From a One-Chip Solution: FX3 Powers the World’s Most Advanced HD Video Cameras Title slide: To define what the presentation will cover. The subtitle is a one-sentence statement of the key opportunity. 001-77701 Rev *G
Video Cameras Now Require HD The market requirements for video cameras are changing Cameras require HD video capabilities such as higher resolution, higher frame rates, and richer color Your competitors are designing HD video cameras today for multiple markets Machine vision, surveillance, medical imaging, biometrics and video conferencing Incorporate HD video quickly and easily into your next video camera project Video Conferencing Camera by Polycom Machine Vision Camera by IDS Imaging Market Vision: To define the market opportunity. Presents compelling data and end product photos relevant to the local market, Should use compelling photographs of actual FX3 products. 3
Terms You Will Hear Today USB 3.0 (SuperSpeed USB) Operates at 5 Gbps—10x faster than USB 2.0 (Hi-Speed USB) Distributes 1.8x more power to bus-powered devices than USB 2.0 Provides backward compatibility with USB 2.0 USB 3.0 PHY (Physical Layer Device) The USB circuitry that launches and receives USB 3.0 data USB 3.0 Host, USB 3.0 Device The USB 3.0 Host (e.g., a PC) directs traffic flow and distributes power over the bus The USB 3.0 Device (e.g., a hard disk drive) is a peripheral on the bus USB 3.0 Peripheral Controller A microcontroller in the USB Device that handles the USB 3.0 protocol and communicates with the USB Host Bandwidth Bandwidth = # pixels per frame (resolution) x frames per second (frame rate) x # color bits per pixel (color depth) e.g., Bandwidth required by 1080p video = 2.07 megapixels x 60 frames per second x 24-bit color = 3 Gbps Compression Reduces the Bandwidth requirement of an image using a mathematical algorithm Modifies pixels, degrading image quality Requires an external Compression Engine implemented with FPGA and DRAM HD (High-Definition) Video Standards HD Std Column Pixels Row Pixels Mega- Pixels Scan Type 1080p 1920 1080 2.07 Progressive 1080i Interlaced 720p 1280 720 0.92 Terms of Art (ToA): To clearly define all ToAs used in the presentation. To carefully and fully define Cypress-proprietary ToAs needed to explain our system solution. 4a
Additional Terms ISP (Image Signal Processing) USB 3.0 Driver Firmware Algorithms implemented in an FPGA or image sensor to enhance the image quality USB 3.0 Driver The software program in the host system that operates or controls the USB 3.0 Device attached to the computer Firmware Firmware is a software program or a set of instructions programmed on a USB 3.0 Peripheral Controller chip UVC (USB Video Class) A specification that defines the standard behavior of a USB video camera, known as a “UVC camera” Has been widely adopted in consumer cameras and supported by major PC operating systems AMCap A third-party software application to capture and view video on PCs Can be purchased and downloaded from the Internet Terms of Art (ToA): To clearly define all ToAs used in the presentation. To carefully and fully define Cypress-proprietary ToAs needed to explain our system solution. 4b
FX3 Terms EZ-USB® FX3™ Cypress’s programmable USB 3.0 Peripheral Controller with integrated USB 3.0 PHY Includes powerful on-chip ARM9™ processor and 512 KB RAM Provides additional peripheral connectivity via I2C, I2S, SPI, and UART Includes a Software Development Kit (SDK) with example code to reduce your design effort GPIF™ II (Second-generation General Programmable Interface) Programmable 32-bit bus that allows FX3 to communicate with any system at 100 MHz GPIF II Designer Design software that installs on your PC Contains simple GUI (Graphical User Interface) to configure the GPIF II Simulates GPIF II to help meet the system requirements GPIF II Descriptor A set of predefined configurations that defines the behavior of the GPIF II FX3 API A set of predefined interfaces that simplifies the development of FX3 firmware Cypress Control Center Simple GUI in the FX3 SDK that programs the FX3 Development Kit (DVK) EZ-USB FX3 HD 720p Camera Kit A USB 3.0 video camera reference design featuring the FX3 and an Aptina HD 720p image sensor The kit contains 1) FX3 Development Kit, 2) Aptina Image Sensor Headboard, and 3) Interconnect Board Terms of Art (ToA): To clearly define all ToAs used in the presentation. To carefully and fully define Cypress-proprietary ToAs needed to explain our system solution. 4c
Design Problems Engineers Face 1. HD video requires Bandwidth up to 3 Gbps USB 2.0 Bandwidth is only 480 Mbps 2. HD video on USB 2.0 requires Compression, which Degrades image quality Requires bigger BOM with FPGA/DRAM Compression engine Consumes significant extra engineering effort and design time 3. The market demands small-form-factor HD video products Multiple-chip solutions require a large PCB, making miniaturization difficult FX3 by Cypress solves these problems FX3 provides 5-Gbps Bandwidth—10x the Bandwidth of USB 2.0 FX3 eliminates the need for Compression, creating perfect HD images FX3 is a one-chip solution that dramatically reduces PCB and camera size Cypress’s FX3 one-chip solution enables perfect images in small-form-factor HD video products USB 2.0 two-chip solution for HD video: low-quality, compressed image USB 2.0 FPGA Low-quality, compressed image DRAM FX3 one-chip solution for HD video: sharp, uncompressed HD image USB 3.0 FX3 Sharp, uncompressed HD image Traditional Approach and Challenges: To present the traditional approach and the challenges engineers will face when using it to realize the Market Vision. Ends with a one-sentence segue clearly stating the benefit of the Cypress solution. 5
FX3 Solution: HD Video Made Easy GPIF II connector The GPIF II is programmed to match the interface The state diagram of an image sensor interface USB 3.0 connector Upgrading a complex USB 2.0 HD video camera to USB 3.0… Is simplified by FX3 with programmable GPIF II… Prototyped quickly using the FX3 DVK… And miniaturized into an ultra-compact industrial camera design by Ximea 26.4 mm 19.1 mm To get started, you should: Get the EZ-USB FX3 HD 720p Camera Kit by following the online instructions (Camera Kit = FX3 DVK + Aptina Image Sensor Headboard + Interconnect Board) Download and install FX3 Software Development Kit (SDK) on your PC Read Application Note: AN75779 - Interfacing an Image Sensor to EZ-USB FX3 in a UVC Framework Run the code examples in this Application Note to start your camera design: 1. Configure GPIF II for your image sensor 2. Design FX3 firmware using the SDK 3. Program the FX3 DVK using the Cypress Control Center Start streaming HD video to a USB 3.0 PC Cypress Solution: To introduce CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on the previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. 6a
First: Configure GPIF II for Image Sensor FX3 Example Project demonstrating GPIF II interface customization for an image sensor Initiate a new project using Cypress supplied interfaces or design your own Select the type, bus width, and I/Os of the desired interface Create a state machine that matches interface timing Visualize state transitions and associated output signals Generate GPIF II Descriptor to be used in the second step – Design FX3 Firmware Cypress Solution: To introduce CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on the previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. 6b
Second: Design FX3 Firmware in SDK FX3 Example Project demonstrating UVC firmware design in FX3 SDK Use the UVC example code as a reference to write your FX3 image sensor firmware in C code. Insert the GPIF II Descriptor into the project directory Compile the image sensor firmware by clicking the “Build” button Use the Application Note “Interfacing an Image Sensor to EZ-USB FX3 in a UVC Framework” Learn about FX3 functionality by reading the “FX3 Programmers Manual” and the “Firmware API Guide” included in the SDK Cypress Solution: To introduce CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on the previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. 6c
Third: Program the FX3 DVK Connect the Aptina Image Sensor Headboard to your FX3 DVK in two steps: 1. Attach Interconnect Board to the GPIF II connector of the FX3 DVK 2. Attach Aptina Image Sensor Headboard to the Interconnect Board Connect FX3 DVK to the PC via a USB 3.0 cable and install Cypress USB 3.0 Driver Program the FX3 DVK with image sensor firmware using the Cypress Control Center FX3 DVK will reconnect to the PC automatically as a UVC camera Run AMCap or equivalent software on the PC to view live HD 720p video Program the FX3 DVK to start streaming HD video to a USB 3.0 PC Interconnect Board FX3 DVK (CYUSB3KIT-001) 5V power jack JTAG headers 720p Image sensor Aptina Image Sensor Headboard USB 3.0 connector FX3 GPIF II connector RS232 connector I2S headers SPI headers Cypress Solution: To introduce CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on the previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. 6d
FX3 USB 3.0 Solution Example – Machine Vision Camera EZ-USB FX3 Value Block Diagram Design Challenges Deliver HD video without Bandwidth limitations Eliminate need for expensive Compression components Enable small form factor camera designs EZ-USB FX3 5-Gbps Bandwidth enables HD video without Compression GPIF II connects FX3 to any sensor or FPGA Powerful on-chip ARM9 CPU and 512 KB RAM provided I2C, I2S, SPI, UART peripheral interfaces provided 10-mm x 10-mm, 121 ball-grid-array package EZ-USB® FX3™ One-Chip Solution JTAG 512 KB RAM (32 End Points) ARM 9 Image Sensor 32 32 GPIF II 8-32 32 USB 3.0 Parallel I/F 32 USB 3.0 Enabled Host Suggested Collateral UART I2C SPI I2S App Notes: Getting Started with FX3 FX3 Hardware Design Guidelines Interfacing an Image Sensor to EZ-USB FX3 in a UVC Framework Videos: FX3 Throughput Performance Demo Machine Vision Camera Demo FX3 HD 720p Camera Kit Demo Documents: FX3 Programmers Manual included in SDK FX3 Firmware API Guide included in SDK Boot Control SPI Flash Industrial Camera by Ximea Machine Vision Camera by IDS Imaging Boards and Software Kits: EZ-USB FX3 DVK (CYUSB3KIT-001) EZ-USB FX3 HD 720p Camera Kit Software: EZ-USB FX3 Software Development Kit GPIF II Designer Solution Examples: To give detailed one-page Solution Examples from the field in the specified format. 7
FX3 Solution vs. Competition’s 19 mm 10 mm 12 mm 19 mm 12 mm 10 mm Feature FX3 USB 3.0 IP + FPGA + TI PHY USB 3.0 One-Chip Solution Yes No Code Examples 20+ None Solution Size 100 mm2 505 mm2, plus additional layout space USB 3.0 IP Cost Free ~$100K plus royalty Development Kit Price $295 $1,990 (includes FPGA Xilinx Spartan 6) Programmable Parallel Bus Yes, GPIF II Competitive Comparison: To define key features of the Cypress solution and demonstrate its superiority over the Next Best Alternatives (NBA’s). Must be credible and objective to the salesperson and customer. 8
FX3 HD Video Solution Value Competitor FPGA: Altera Cyclone 3,4 or Xilinx Spartan 6 Price1: $20.00 BOM Integration USB 3.0 PHY: TUSB1310 family Price2: $6.60 USB 3.0 IP Core: Synopsys license fee: $100K Amortized over 100 Ku in 5 years. Price: $1.00 Additional Value Camera Miniaturization: FX3 = 100 mm2 enables new markets vs. 505mm2 competition Value added: $2.20 Reduced Integration Effort: FX3 saves 20 man-weeks of engineering effort Value added: $1.00 Competitor BOM Integration Value Total Additional Value Total Value Delivered Target Cypress Solution: CYUSB3014-BZXC Total Cost: $26.00 16% Total Savings: $4.80 1Pricing includes negative adder for additional FPGA (Xilinx XC6SLX9 or equivalent) for interface conversion and ISP 21 Ku pricing from supplier website EVC Slide: To clearly define the value of the Cypress solution, including BOM integration and unique functionality. 9
Here’s How to Get Started Watch our demo video: www.cypress.com/?rID=66430 Read the “Getting Started with EZ-USB FX3” Application Note: www.cypress.com/?rID=59979 Buy the $295 EZ-USB FX3 DVK (CYUSB3KIT-001): www.cypress.com/?rID=58321 Digital Microscope by Motic China Ultrasound Unit by Alpinion Medical Systems Biometrics Scanner by Cross Match Call to Action: To tell customers how to start their design process. 11
References And Links Maximum Throughput Performance Demo Video: www.cypress.com/fx3 Machine Vision Camera Demo Video: www.cypress.com/?rID=66430 EZ-USB FX3 HD 720p Camera Kit Demo Video: www.cypress.com/?rID=72422 EZ-USB FX3 Application Note: Getting Started with EZ-USB FX3: www.cypress.com/?rID=59979 Gives highlights of USB 3.0 technology and an overview of the FX3 architecture, software, and collateral Shows FX3 SDK setup, Cypress USB driver installation, firmware download, and USB 3.0 traffic verification EZ-USB FX3 Hardware Design Guidelines and Schematic Checklist: www.cypress.com/?rID=53203 Shows how to design a board with 5 Gbps USB 3.0 traces Interfacing an Image Sensor to EZ-USB FX3 in a UVC Framework: www.cypress.com/?rID=62824 Describes a USB video class (UVC) video streaming application where FX3 streams images from an image sensor to a USB host EZ-USB FX3 Development Kit (CYUSB3KIT-001): www.cypress.com/?rID=58321 EZ-USB FX3 HD 720p Camera Kit: http://www.cypress.com/?rID=72599 Software Development Kit: www.cypress.com/?rID=57990 Provides Eclipse IDE, ARM GCC (GNU Compiler Collection), Cypress USB 3.0 driver, example code, FX3 Programmers Manual, and Firmware API Guide GPIF II Designer: www.cypress.com/?rID=59628 References and Links: Provide comprehensive view of resources to assist in learning about and adapting the solution. 13