TTN /WP3 Marcel Soberman CNRS/IN2P3 WP3 CERN MS TT Network WP3 Session Report Agenda Booklet Next questionnaire Schedule Nomination of the WP3 leader End
TTN /WP3 Marcel Soberman CNRS/IN2P3 WP3 CERN MS TT Network Booklet Booklet organisation and headlines presented by JB: document sent yesterday to all TTN attendants with the MC annex: Executive summary Purpose and methodology Data on 2 tables: general information on the scope of this survey, KPIs HEP set vs Benchmark set vs ASTP Focus on # TT officers, patent application, patent licensing, collaborative R&D, services and facilities, correlation between R&D and patents, spinoffs… in 3 colors: facts, recommendations and examples Conclusion for this survey and what will be modified for the next survey Specific report for responding institutions, when technically possible
TTN /WP3 Marcel Soberman CNRS/IN2P3 WP3 CERN MS TT Network Booklet All remarks must be sent to JM and LP with copy to the other WP3 members <23/12 Some examples to be updated <23/12 The figures on the scope of the results should be better highlighted The recommendations related to spinoffs must be rewritten (spinoffs must be encouraged by institution real support..) In the conclusion and in the executive summary, the limitations of the results for 2008 will be reported, in the expectation of a comparison with those of 2010 Objective : document sent to a professional editor beginning of January
TTN /WP3 Marcel Soberman CNRS/IN2P3 WP3 CERN MS TT Network Distribution list CERN Council PP institution Directors Policy makers TTN members Other comparable networks European Commission Specific distribution to questionnaire senders with added figures
TTN /WP3 Marcel Soberman CNRS/IN2P3 WP3 CERN MS TT Network Questionnaire 2010 After examination of SS document and a test of CERN Sharepoint, it was decided that: the CERN tool will be used the 2 ways depending on the choice of multipurpose or HEP institution is satisfying (but the number of HEP FTE must be added) one point must be checked: the possibility for the user to have a look on the whole questionnaire, or to go back for correction the number of questions will be limited, and these questions must be as simple as possible to avoid empty values, main questions will use mandatory fields with the possibility of ‘n/a’ values miscellaneous points have been examined: software and know how licensing, income will be considered as ‘received money’, training as services, etc.. these points will be examined during next WP3 meeting, with the objective to open the questionnaire for feeding in March.
TTN /WP3 Marcel Soberman CNRS/IN2P3 WP3 CERN MS TT Network Schedule Todo List for next 6 months: Booklet: –integration of TTN members remarks and examples received before 23/12/2010, by LP & JMLG –executive summary by JMLG: end of year (reviewed by JB?) –document sent to a professional editor: beginning of January Questionnaire –next meeting focused on –objective: first results before June information on the opening of the questionnaire in March Next meeting on: Presentation to Council of CERN, with new objectives: periodic survey, comparison with US and asiatic countries, help in implementing indicators in each TT office….
TTN /WP3 Marcel Soberman CNRS/IN2P3 WP3 CERN MS TT Network WP3 convener - nomination Name (* TTN meeting attendant)InstitutionComment Caccia Massimo*INFN Clerc GabrielEPFL Dargent PascalIN2P3 Kroschewski KatjaDESY Paolucci Lorenza*INFN -> CERN Rück Dorothee*GSI Rudolph Robert*PSI Soberman Marcel*IN2P3 Stres SpelaIJS Surowiec AlicjaGSI Julie Bellingham*SFTC Others Le Goff Jean-MarieCERNTTN mngr
TTN /WP3 Marcel Soberman CNRS/IN2P3 WP3 CERN MS TT Network End